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Master Cleanse Forum - Master Cleanser Lemonade Diet • View topic - I consider myself an Expert on The Master Cleanser!

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 Post subject: Re: I consider myself an Expert on The Master Cleanser!
PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 4:46 pm 

Joined: Fri Feb 10, 2012 5:31 am
Posts: 59

 Post subject: Re: I consider myself an Expert on The Master Cleanser!
PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 4:51 pm 

Joined: Fri Feb 10, 2012 5:31 am
Posts: 59

 Post subject: Re: I consider myself an Expert on The Master Cleanser!
PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 4:57 pm 

Joined: Fri Feb 10, 2012 5:31 am
Posts: 59

 Post subject: Re: I consider myself an Expert on The Master Cleanser!
PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:08 pm 

Joined: Tue Sep 25, 2007 3:40 am
Posts: 1169
Location: USA and Taipei, Taiwan
My issue with all of this is as follows: Your first post on here advertised your business and in subsequent posts you continue to advertise your business and are trying to sell your book. I have an issue with this. Numerous questions have been asked yet you seem to be skirting them. It would be nice to have further explantions and more information about what you say rather than just a simplied post. I have been on these boards helping people here since 2007, I have personally met Tom Woloshyn in 2005, who has written two books about the Master Cleanse is one of the only known understudies of the late Stanely Burroughs as far as I know and as I remember. He has developed other systems as well and promotes a bunch of different things. He is a well rounded and respected man. I am a great admirer of Tom and beleive he knows what he is talking about having been working with health related fields for over 25 years. And has been helped 10's of thousands of people! He has never once mentioned to me about many of things you are talking about here. I cannot speak on his behalf, but I can say this, he has recommened the P&B shakes and if you feel you have parasites to do a parasite cleanse. There are a few others but I am not going to go into all the details and things we discussed. Tom is a busy man and has no time to answer most indiviudal questions, thus the reason he is not on this board. He is a true expert. And a lot of what I recommend here has come through my conversations with him over the years as well as his books. Tom is in the 21st century. And he's written two books in the 21st centrury that deal with some of the 21st century problems and answer more questions about the cleanse. Perhaps he might agree with you on some issues, perhaps not, again I cannot speak on his behalf, but I can simply say that he will advise people to at least finish a 10 day cleanse, if you have bigger problems that perhaps you need to go longer and will recommend that you do so, or do slightly longer cleanses more often rather than once a year. I believe this is the first time since 2007 that I have even brought up this fact because I don't want Tom to be inundated with phone calls and emails because he frankly has very little time to do that. He travels around the world doing Vitaflex treatments and classes.

Now, you claim to be an expert, but, maybe I missed it, but you have not stated how long you yourself have been doing the clenase and how long you have been studying it. I've been doing it and helping people do it for 9 years. I have no website and no business around this cleanse, I do everything for free, I have no book either. I come here when I can to help others do it right so they get the most benefits out of it and don't make themselves sick by doing something wrong. There are a few of us on here that take great pleasure to help others on these boards and to provide usful information to them. We dedicate much time in doing so. I do not claim to be an expert, but I do claim to know more than about 90% of the other posters on this board. After experiences many many problems wit the cleanse and dealing with them, I have learned what to do and what not to do and what other things can work, though some others are constantly coming up with new ideas that I too sometimes experiement with if I feel it is safe based on my knowledge of the cleanse.

Not once have I heard of someone dying because of doing this cleanse. Not once have I heard that because you didn't pass all the parasites out the first time that it will cause problems later. Doing this cleanse is only a step towards better health. The cleanse gives you a new start and hopefully people will eat better once finishing it. It is critical to follow the 10 day cycle. Many times my tongue has not completely turned pink on 10 days, but I cannot continue because of my schedule. I don't have major issues after the cleanse, and I do it at least once a year. How I read your posts is that if we don't do the cleanse for at least like 40 days we might die in 1-2 years! If that isn't a scare tactic I don't know what is. And I think by posting that you will deter people from even wanting to do the cleanse at all.

I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt here, but you need to address certain questions that I have raised as well as those that others have raised and give more specific details about why you have these theories you have and why it happens like it happens. Otherwise you are not going to gain the respect of anyone in this community.

Acronyms I often use:
LA - lemonade drink
BM - bowel movement
SWF - salt water flush
MC - Master Cleanse
MC - menstrual cycle

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have any diseases or are taking medication talk to your doctor.

If you do not have the book, buy it!

 Post subject: Re: I consider myself an Expert on The Master Cleanser!
PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 9:26 pm 

Joined: Fri Feb 10, 2012 5:31 am
Posts: 59
I wrote my book because of this forum. I was asked to become a member of the advisory board (?) because of my experience. I only mention my website because of the resources available there. I'm familiar with the author you name, and have his book which has a clearly printed disclaimer from the Burroughs organization that they do not support or endorse his book.... There is a lot of good information in his book! I refer to it when I'm supervising someone's cleanse (if I cannot talk them out of it). If you didn't notice where I've mentioned that my first cleanse was in 2001 and the only reason I refer to my book is because I don't have time to tell all of the people on this forum all of the information I've learned since then!

Perhaps you also didn't notice that I've offered a personal money-back refund to anyone who purchases and reads my book (who mentions this forum) and DON'T think it's worth way more than the $4.99 I'm asking for on my website!

You don't know me and you are free to judge. What you think of me is none of my business. I'm only here to help. I was asked to be on whatever advisory board because of my experience, and obviously someone who sent that email to me way-back-when either knew or could sense that I wasn't out to hurt anyone.

I would respectfully suggest that you re-read CAREFULLY all of my posts. I can tell that you have not done so.

-still here to help but no time and certainly no inclination to defend, so Ears 2 R Health!

 Post subject: Re: I consider myself an Expert on The Master Cleanser!
PostPosted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 7:32 am 

Joined: Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:56 am
Posts: 22
ears2rhealth -

Thank you for this information. I have to believe that you are correct because the more I have read others experiences those that stuck with it longer (40+ days) have had amazing pulls/releases and that is what I am hoping for. I NEED to feel better and for the first time that outweighs my desire to lose weight.

I started my first MC 5 days ago. I'm not sure that I could have ever committed 100% to you but I always want to do things 100% because I have had more fails than successes and have found that my successes have a lot to do with my mental commitment. I seem to be in the "game" mentally now and that has always been key for me to succeed.

For some reason this cleanse is going very well for me so far, though my only negative side effect that I have had so far is intense low back and hip pain last night. That was gone when I woke up this morning. Another side effect is high energy at night which is preventing me from sleeping.

My questions to you: Is it absolutely necessary to do the SWF? I have only done it 2x in 5 days and both times I woke up the next day feeling completely dehydrated/parched and my weight was up a lb both times. I have been using the smooth move every morning and before bed time. The problem is that it makes me run to the bathroom off and on for hours, another reason why I'm not getting enough sleep. Today I did not drink the tea because I already feel dehydrated and though I was running to the bathroom all night last night not much was happening other than extreme cramps...I could feel them way up under my ribs and low. So I am wondering if doing just the tea is enough unless I have a day where I feel that my body needs the flush?

Another question: I have Hulda Clarks books and have built the zapper and would like your thoughts on her teachings. She also mentions that ginger is good to kill the eggs(?) Would it be ok to take this on the cleanse just to help things along?
She also mentions that black walnut tincture will kill the live parasites...I can hardly drink the stuff but thought maybe doing a quick "shot" would be helpful. I just don't want anything living to pass, that just freaks me out.

In my mind I am planning on staying on this for the long haul but taking each goal 11 days at a time. I figure if I can make it 11 days then I can make it 21 days, if I can make it 21 days then I know I can make it 31 days etc. It's just a mental game.

I suffer from osteoarthritis and am 5 years into the lovely menopause. Menopause has been terrible for me. Non stop hot flashes and emotional crazy days. Will this flush address menopause?

Though I have hunger pains off and on, like we would normally have, the lemonade quickly takes that feeling away. I feel lighter, mentally am clearer, and today my pain is better.

Thank you!

 Post subject: Re: I consider myself an Expert on The Master Cleanser!
PostPosted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 6:24 pm 

Joined: Fri Feb 10, 2012 5:31 am
Posts: 59

Thank you for this information. I have to believe that you are correct because the more I have read others experiences those that stuck with it longer (40+ days) have had amazing pulls/releases and that is what I am hoping for. I NEED to feel better and for the first time that outweighs my desire to lose weight.

I started my first MC 5 days ago. I'm not sure that I could have ever committed 100% to you but I always want to do things 100% because I have had more fails than successes and have found that my successes have a lot to do with my mental commitment. I seem to be in the "game" mentally now and that has always been key for me to succeed.

For some reason this cleanse is going very well for me so far, though my only negative side effect that I have had so far is intense low back and hip pain last night. That was gone when I woke up this morning. Another side effect is high energy at night which is preventing me from sleeping.

[b]PLEASE remember that you are killing every single unhealthy cell in your body!! There will be some random pains, they may move around as parasites, worms, and bacteria are dying and letting go of their happy toxic homes.

My questions to you: Is it absolutely necessary to do the SWF? I have only done it 2x in 5 days and both times I woke up the next day feeling completely dehydrated/parched and my weight was up a lb both times. I have been using the smooth move every morning and before bed time. The problem is that it makes me run to the bathroom off and on for hours, another reason why I'm not getting enough sleep. Today I did not drink the tea because I already feel dehydrated and though I was running to the bathroom all night last night not much was happening other than extreme cramps...I could feel them way up under my ribs and low. So I am wondering if doing just the tea is enough unless I have a day where I feel that my body needs the flush?

None of the people I've supervised (nearly 80 people now) on The Master Cleanser have had noticeable successes with the SWF. I don't recommend it because of that. If you feel dehydrated, DON'T STOP DRINKING THE SMOOTH MOVE TEA! drink more water along with your lemonade! Just doing the tea is enough, but please remember that you need to stay hydrated! The "experts" recommend half our body weight in ounces every day. Drinking the Lemonade is not a substitute for water!!

Another question: I have Hulda Clarks books and have built the zapper and would like your thoughts on her teachings. She also mentions that ginger is good to kill the eggs(?) Would it be ok to take this on the cleanse just to help things along?

I would only recommend the ginger if it is Highly Beneficial for your blood type. If you were my child I would gently encourage you to STOP trying to help things along. The Master Cleanser will help your body deal with the bacteria, parasites and worms in the most healthy way that it can. Just keep at it and keep flushing your system with water!! I also highly recommend Bojenmi Tea which alkalizes everything it touches, it doesn't kill anything but will make your entire body less inhabitable to the nasties!

She also mentions that black walnut tincture will kill the live parasites...I can hardly drink the stuff but thought maybe doing a quick "shot" would be helpful. I just don't want anything living to pass, that just freaks me out.

[b]All I can say is the black walnut tincture is good stuff but not necessary to suffer through during The Master Cleanser. Please try to get over the idea that you won't pass "anything living" because wouldn't you rather have those things in the toilet than inside your body?? CELEBRATE if you actually see something alive and squirming in your toilet!! It's a sign that your body is restoring itself to Ground Zero Health.[/b]

In my mind I am planning on staying on this for the long haul but taking each goal 11 days at a time. I figure if I can make it 11 days then I can make it 21 days, if I can make it 21 days then I know I can make it 31 days etc. It's just a mental game.

I suffer from osteoarthritis and am 5 years into the lovely menopause. Menopause has been terrible for me. Non stop hot flashes and emotional crazy days. Will this flush address menopause?

Osteo-anything has its root in the kidneys, which govern the development, strength, and maturation of the bones. This could also account for your low back/hip pain. When our kidneys get detoxed and resume their normal healthy function, they will quickly strengthen your bones!!
Shoot for 60 days if you want to restore your body to Ground Zero Health. Stanley Burroughs lived in a much less-polluted environment that we do!! And yes, The Master Cleanser will stop those ugly symptoms of hormonal changes. Menopause is not a disease!! HINT: vigorously massage your ear lobes when you feel those crazy days. You'll be amazed at how much it helps!

Though I have hunger pains off and on, like we would normally have, the lemonade quickly takes that feeling away. I feel lighter, mentally am clearer, and today my pain is better.

Thank you![/quote]
THANK YOU FOR YOUR QUESTIONS!! I'm only here to help. Sincerely, Ears 2 R Health

 Post subject: Re: I consider myself an Expert on The Master Cleanser!
PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 8:02 am 
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Joined: Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:53 pm
Posts: 7
Location: London, Ontario, Canada
Your topic has been extremely helpful and I fully understand what you are talking about with the parasitic complications if you cut the cleanse off early. Seeing as how I was planning on doing a 10-day cleanse, then I started it and read what you had posted, I want to trust you because you seem to be quite confident in your knowledge surrounding the master cleanse and when considered on a critical level the things you are saying make perfect sense. I don't feel like you are using scare tactics as much as speaking realistically about something that is more serious then a 10-day fad.

That being said I have a few questions I would like you to consider on my behalf because I wish I could have someone to coach me through this, as there is a new question everyday.

First and foremost, I am no longer doing a 10-day cleanse, I'm in this until my tongue turns pink - whether it takes 20-days or 52-days. I've already ordered my 4L of maple syrup online. It's not as hard as most people say that it is because it's my health that I'm doing this for, I'm already at a decent weight for my size, I'm not in this to lose weight I'm here because I want to reach ground-zero health.

I notice that you have stated that the salt water flush is not overly important and I wonder if you could elaborate on that because I certainly do not enjoy it but I feel that it's a good flush. The laxative tea loosens it up the night before and then the SWF seals the deal. My only bowel movements throughout the day happen after the saltwater flush, other then that there is no bowel movements typically until the next morning. If there is a bowel movement it is typically uncomfortable and very small, similar to a buckshot.

I also wonder, are the parasites actually being killed? Or is the removal of toxins through the body simply removing their food source and causing them to starve to death?

Does it matter what kind of toothpaste I use while I'm on the cleanse? I'm trying to put as little into my body other than what is required for the cleanse. I also know that soaps can be absorbed into the skin, is this of any concern?

Does any form of exercise help with the cleanse or shall I just drink and relax?

Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge and help.


 Post subject: Re: I consider myself an Expert on The Master Cleanser!
PostPosted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 6:52 am 

Joined: Fri Feb 10, 2012 5:31 am
Posts: 59

 Post subject: Re: I consider myself an Expert on The Master Cleanser!
PostPosted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 4:41 pm 

Joined: Sun Jan 05, 2014 6:51 am
Posts: 34
well this thread has perked up my ears. and here I was, committed to 21 days and now you've gone and potentially tripled that.

I am possibly dealing with flukeworms in my small intestine, liver and spleen, and the recommendation was to take a product called 'Parastroy' in conjunction with the cleanse for 3 weeks. are you familiar with this product / can you talk to it? also - are you familiar with flukeworms and how they operate? I was told they lay eggs before they die, and after the 21 days I should wait 3-4 weeks and then take Parastroy again (this time without the cleanse). can you talk to this?

another thing, while we are on it. can you talk to the measurements / proportions I am using:
approximately 3 liters of water
250 - 350 milliliters lemon juice
12 tablespoons maple syrup
1 teaspoon cayenne

..and is the Bojenmi Tea a laxative, or just take that as is throughout the day? is it caffenated?

..and (I keep having question pop up) are there adverse effects to drinking so much laxative tea? does my body become dependent on it, will I have trouble pooping later?

..and - how to come off the cleanse. I was thinking of doing a green juice cleanse for a few days. thoughts?

much appreciated!

 Post subject: Re: I consider myself an Expert on The Master Cleanser!
PostPosted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 7:10 pm 

Joined: Fri Feb 10, 2012 5:31 am
Posts: 59

 Post subject: Re: I consider myself an Expert on The Master Cleanser!
PostPosted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 7:29 pm 

Joined: Sun Jan 05, 2014 6:51 am
Posts: 34
Thanks for the response. I am finishing up day 10 of the cleanse. 10 days on the cleanse, 10 days taking Parastroy. I intend to see both through for 21 days. I am not following Stanley Burrough's directions, I am following googles directions. I have not read any books. according to many things you have said, I am likely very unprepared and under-educated about this whole thing.

I have a question about the pink tongue. what, exactly, does that look like. do you have any pictures? I tried using google images but that was inconclusive. the pink tongue is the end-all be-all indicator that the cleanse is complete?

 Post subject: Re: I consider myself an Expert on The Master Cleanser!
PostPosted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 7:37 pm 

Joined: Fri Feb 10, 2012 5:31 am
Posts: 59

 Post subject: Re: I consider myself an Expert on The Master Cleanser!
PostPosted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 12:53 pm 

Joined: Wed Jan 08, 2014 2:00 pm
Posts: 12
Hi ears2rhealth. Thanks for taking the time to answer people's questions here.

I am on Day 4 of the MC, of what was going to be a 10 day cleanse. I can confidently say I would not do this for 60 days (or close to), so I'm wondering if you think it's best for me to stop the cleanse now, and ease out to healthy eating?

I rather stop now before causing more harm in doing 10 or 20 days.

What do you think?

Thanks :)

 Post subject: Re: I consider myself an Expert on The Master Cleanser!
PostPosted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 4:48 pm 

Joined: Sun Jan 05, 2014 6:51 am
Posts: 34
..would love to hear some input to the protein question


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