Greetings to all, and any who will read this and heed... my mentor told me that "the truth rings true" when people hear it so take my experience along with the information and education I can offer, and do what you will.
I've been an alternative healthcare practitioner since 1998 and at this point in my career and experience, my clients are not allowed to schedule sessions with me if they are doing any type of cleanse other than The Master Cleanser. However, if they cannot convince me that they will STICK WITH IT UNTIL THEIR TONGUE TURNS PINK AGAIN, I will not supervise their cleanse and will not allow them to schedule sessions while they're cleansing.
You may call me The Master Cleanser Snot because if one of my clients attempts it, they must do it My Way or I will not see them or provide advice during their ordeal, because I know the potential danger of stopping the cleanse before THE TONGUE TURNS PINK AGAIN regardless of how long that may take (I tell them to shoot for 60 days and they may be pleasantly surprised if it doesn't take that long).
If you understand the process that takes place internally (as limited as our understanding must be), you already know the dangers. If not, please allow me to help educate you (again, as limited as our understanding must be)...
If you have any understand of the condition referred to as "Leaky Gut", which label did not exist when Mr. Burroughs wrote his book. However, I imagine that what happens when you deprive yourself (and your large intestine) from solid food for more than three days is the exact opposite of "leaky gut". How else could we evision the large intestine as a vacuum that pulls in the internal garbage from all over our bodies?
Unfortunately, I know of no one who can draw or map what that looks like. In other words, by what path do the bacteria, parasites, worms, and dead groups of mutated cells (tumors, growths, cancers which will die and let go of their happy toxic campsites) make their way into the large intestine?
One of my clients passed a nest of worms the size of a softball 19 days into her cleanse, and over the course of the next two weeks passed a tapeworm which her husband estimated was 10-12 feet long. What would have happened if she'd stopped early and only part of that worm had died, or if it had attached itself somewhere else because she re-activated her large intestine before the worm had passed all the way through???
Another client was convinced she had no parasites or worms becuase she'd lived such a clean life. She didn't even start passing them until DAY 46 and then found round worms the size of pencils in the commode. Over the course of the next two weeks she passed all manner of worms and on day 54 filled up the toilet with what looked like pods similar to milkweed pods, and they turned out to be nests full of candida. (She is an ARNP, fished everything out of the commode and took it to the hospital pathology lab because she was so shocked to find out she had worms and had access to the lab!) Her tongue was pink three days later, although there were temporary pink spots at night that were white and furry again the next morning... What if she had stopped cleansing before her tongue had turned completely pink, before the 57 days it turned out to require for her body to be "restored to ground zero health". Where would those worms have ended up? Certainly not in the place where they started!
What if you have a heart fluke and during the cleansing process that fluke winds up in or around your kidney? Can a kidney survive with a heart fluke? Maybe this is a drastic exaggeration, but hopefully you get my drift.
Like many other members of the animal kingdom, we acclimate to our parasites and vice versa. We are so resilient that we often don't notice how crappy we feel until we no longer feel that way! We may not recognize organic factors and rarely connect the dots for clear cause-and-effect relationships, or rarely realize the consequences of our choices, because we are literally mechanic phenomena! "Fearfully and wonderfully made"! In a package that was theoretically designed to last 8-900 years, a design that has not been modified except by our lifestyle and healthstyle (tm) choices, and also by our environment.
Because of this awe-inspiriing design, it often takes eighteen months or more (even up to three years) for us to get really sick from a poorly-executed cleanse or one of the commercially packaged varieties that support the western ideal of capitalizing on prolonged illness. My mentor an OMD told me that undertaking The Master Cleanser for anything less than the necessary time UNTIL THE TONGUE TURNS PINK AGAIN will likely cause digestive imbalances that may be "nearly impossible" to recover from, and from which it may take a person two years to get really sick.
I hope this information has been educational and that it makes clear my stance regarding the time required for an ideal Master Cleanser experience.