1. Yes, drink the salt water flush every morning, before anything else.
2. One cup of the laxative tea is fine. I'd advise against drinking the commonly-recommended senna-based teas, though. Senna is a harsh laxative that causes progressive harm to bowel function with continued use. Instead, I suggest a cup of chamomile tea before bed. More info at
3. One gallon is equal to 16 cups of liquid. So, since you use one cup of water, two tablespoons of lemon juice, two tablespoons of maple syrup, and (optionally) one tenth of a teaspoon of cayenne powder per glass of the lemonade, I'd suggest that to make a gallon of the lemonade: mix 12 cups of water, one and half cups of lemon juice, and one and a half cups of maple syrup. Only add the cayenne pepper to each cup right before you drink it, not in the gallon. More info at
But be sure you're not making more lemonade at a time than you will drink in one day. The lemon juice loses its critical enzymes quickly once it's extracted from the lemons.
I hope this helped!