Life is different after gallbladder removal. I had mine out Last year in the middle of MAY. I heard that I should wait a year after surgery to try another cleanse. Ive done a short 2 or 3 day cleanse two or three times this year. Im curious if anyone else has done the cleanse after gallbladder surgery. I feel so gross I need to cleanse. I also need to give my digestive track a rest. Weight gain...rather weight loss is an issue. Im probably 15 lbs overweight for myself. I teach aerobics 8 times a week and never lose weight. I do gain muscle tone so maybe I am losing fat % but I weigh the same. Im hoping to catch the buzz on this forum to commit to the cleanse. Im not motivated on my own though......thats why I love this forum. If you have had surgery and are ready to cleanse....Join Me!! Let's start this weekend and start prepping now. Cat