Hi all,
I haven't been on here in years. I guess it is time to get back to my center. I usually do it with the MC. A lot of physical and medical changes in my life since my last MC (2013). Let's just say I'm ready to start over and get back on track.
The most recent diagnosis is severe acid reflux. I'll be doing a barium swallow and another test in a few weeks to determine what is going on inside. In the meantime I'm doing research on whether I can still do the cleanse knowing that anything acid, spicy, lots of food is causing this severe reaction in me. My specialist suspects it is a hiatal hernia
So, can I do the MC knowing it will probably trigger some adverse reactions? Curious to know what you folks with GERD and these kind of acid reflux issues have endured or succeeded in doing the MC?
Hoping to kick this off the week after Xmas.
Thanks in advance community!