Hello, I just started yesterday, and I was so scare luckily my first day was good. so far in my second day, it is 9:22 a.m I am feeling great. Like some of you I love food, but I eat healthy; I don't eat beef since 6 month ago, and I stopped eating chicken a month or so. I am been eating more raw food since a week ago, and I have been detoxing my liver and kidney with a tea called Detox Tea. I am the kind of person who when I am hungry I have to eat otherwise I get headache, irritated, and I can't concentrate in whaterever I am doing. For this reason, I was scare of doing the mc, but I was not hungry whole day yesterday and today my second day so far I have no appetite also another concern I had was my allergies. I have heard that the mc makes allergies worse I actually feel better from my allergy, for every morning when I had my allergy atacks even my nose bleed but no today
. What I got yesterday was my white tonge I have heard and read that tonge turns white around the third day maybe this is good. My goal is to become vegan-raw. I am so happy of getting clean. I just pray to God not to have strong symptoms aleast while I am workin. The worst thing for me is drinking the salt water. Today, I reduce the water to 16 oz with one tspoon and it worked great. Yesterday that I drink 32 oz I drank it at 6:00 am so I would go to the restroom before going to my work in which I start at 8. by 7:30, I though I was done and headed to my work, and @ 8:30 in the middle of the meeting I run out to the restroom
, but today everythin was good. well I hope this can encourage you all of you who just started or are about to star. I am here for you.