So after a few years where my weight has fluctuated at a range of about 25 pounds, I've decided to approach a well balanced and nutritional lifestyle by doing the master clean. I love red meat, but over the years I've definitely done atkins numerous times to lose some weight, and the fluctuation is definitely not good for your heart. I am the type of guy that can eat a steak for breakfast, and have many, many times. After researching nutrition for the past two months, I've decided to become a vegetarian for 2008, and see how I feel after. So the master cleanse for the next 18 days should prepare me for that, especially on how it eliminates toxins from the body. After the first day (today), I have some questions for everyone out there:
-Laxative Tea- I purchased an Herbal Laxative Tea that is all natural, and is a mixture of Senna and Licorice Root. I wanted to avoid something like "smooth moove". Is it ok to drink more than one cup of wter at night with the tea?
-Organic Lemons vs Regular Lemons- At Whole Foods, the lemons were ridiculous expensive and I wasn't about to spend 50 bucks on lemons. I purchased regular ones at Trade Joes and am getting 2 Tbsp out of 1 lemon. I am using the pulp though. Should I strain it? Does pulp hinder this cleanse?
-I also purchased 100% Grade B Maple Syrup from Trader Joes, but it wasn't ogranic because they were out of stock. Is this ok? I could not find Grade B labeled "Organic" anywhere, even after numerous trips to a few stores.
-Is is necessary to drink a quart of water for the salt water flush? I felt like puking this morning when I drank it and it made me lose my appetite for the entire morning. Can the water be cold instead of warm? I had a bowel movement about 3 or so hours later and another one, but it was far off from the 3-5 I've read about. Maybe it takes a few days for that to kick in.
-How much water should you be drinking when you are not drinking the lemon mix? How much is too much and how much is too little? I drank 6 glasses today and was still hungry.
-Is it ok to make like 6 doses in one large container? I work at a job where it is difficult for me to break out the measuring cup and whatnot, so if I were just to multiply the ingredients by 6 and put them in a large jug, would that be ok?