What a good topic of discussion!
I think I agree with you, if I understand correctly. I'm on day 7 of my first MC and when I first heard about the MC, I had the reaction to anything along those lines which what... that's a crazy hoax.
I have never cared about my diet... mostly b/c I've never had a terrible one anyways. I eat lots of fruit and veggies and don't eat a lot of junk. But after being on a month of antibiotics for never ending sinus issues and taking birth control that screwed up my system, I figured if I had a chance to "clean out my system", I'd give it a go.
I've been pleasantly surprised at the progress I've made and I actually have noticed some really positive changes. And for that I am thankful! HOWEVER, while going through this, I've really been focused on trying to nail down a consistent diet that will help me keep my body clean. I gave the raw food diet, vegan & vegetarian lifestyles, and all organic/natural diet all some thought and research... and my personal opinion, it for me... it's too overwhelming.
To be so hard core about my diet and to give my all to a certain (food) lifestyle would cause me to make major sacrifices to other areas which didn't deserve to be taken away. I don't believe that just because you find something beneficial, it should automatically become an extreme in your life. I would be impossible to live in the extreme in every area of your life. (i.e. school, work, diet, kids, marriage, friends, family) If you are living in an extreme, I believe it should be a passion of yours, and I don't believe you can have 8 different passions that you can devout your whole life to.
I also agree that everything in science in medicine shouldn't be discredited b/c there might be other "safer" options out there. I do think that there are quick fixes in the medicinal world, and I will go as far to say that I wouldn't completely underestimate our society and pharmaceutical companies to let money be more of a priority than what is best for the patients health. I have no doubt that there are several health and ethical issues in science and medicine, as well as I believe that there are several hoaxes in natural healing.
I believe you should figure out what your passions are and devout your life to what you what your life to be. I personally do my best at every opportunity to make the best decisions with what I am given. If I have the choice between steak and chicken, it's chicken for me. If I have the choice between taking ginger ale and pepto bismal, If I have ginger ale, I'll take it, but if not, I'll take the pepto bismal. At the age of 23, I have only figured out about 3 passions in my life. And they definitely are in order. 1) God 2) fostering/adopting children 3) football (I play professional women's football. Those have my heart, and with everything else, I do what I can.