Okay so my big reward bday dinner was tonight and oh man I enjoyed the hell out of it. I didn't eat the full serving and prior to mc I'd have eaten double what I had. I had a small amount and shared the rest with family since they loved it as much as I did. I did the same with dessert. I took my time to savor the rich flavors and stopped when I felt full. I am now sat here with a pitcher of water with lemon juice to rehydrate.
I am proud of myself for being able to eat "bad" stuff in moderation. I think moderation is key. I also think I used to eat to stuff my feelings and cope with anxiety. Post mc, I am not so stressed and anxious. I also had some deep emo detox during the mc so I am more in control and "present" in the moment.
I went a little cray yesterday and ate a lot of junk and lawwwdd the headache I had this morning was SO BAD. I had justified it with saying "its my bday I can treat myself.". I won't overeat like that again. I didn't start to feel better until the afternoon.
I am still working out what I can eat and how much.
Hope your mc is going well
** Eta - The dress I had picked out to wear for my bday, fits very loose but I didn't wear it because it is still cold here in Canada. I am so glad I hit my goal though and will be wearing it once the weather warms up.