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Master Cleanse Forum - Master Cleanser Lemonade Diet • View topic - Bookw0rm's 34 day MC

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 Post subject: Re: Bookw0rm's first MC of 2017
PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 4:36 am 
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Joined: Sat Apr 02, 2016 1:47 pm
Posts: 155
Day 32 - still here chugging along

no time for weigh in

Weather in Canada is still bitterly cold. lol We already had Spring in Feb, so now Winter is back. Boo. Feeling pretty good today. High energy. Alert. Still doing 1-2 lemonades per day. That's just what my body naturally wants. I am drinking more water than anything. I don't advise that anyone else copies that though. Only a few more days to go ya'll! :mrgreen:

Okay so bday plans are set. Nothing too extravagant because I will be going away mid April and I have a spa date planned for a few days after my bday. I'm having a day of pampering - mani/pedi, facial, haircut/style and then dinner with loved ones. I've decided to cut my hair shorter to go along with my slimmer face and new-ish body lol. A new me to bring in the next year of my life. I think it's a nice celebration of me going a step in the right direction healthwise. This is the first time a birthday hasn't made me feel depressed. I'm actually excited! For dinner? A very rich, decadent meal at an old fashion Italian place. I do not plan on eating like that often and I really hope it doesn't make me ill! Usually people comment that eating cooked food etc can make them feel tired, bloated, etc. I plan on eating a tiny bit of my favorites and to savor the taste as opposed to shovelling it down like I'm a garbage dispenser lmao.

Still struggling with tummy and back aches from the rebounder. Idk what to do about that. If anyone has suggestions I'd be grateful! I bet it has to do with muscle activation or maybe not stretching enough.

Hope your mc is going well

 Post subject: Re: Bookw0rm's first MC of 2017
PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 5:05 pm 

Joined: Wed Mar 15, 2017 8:06 pm
Posts: 53
Great job! Birthday plans sound like a real treat! If I go the distance then it will be my sons birthday. Like the idea of a short haircut to frame the face. Sounds like it's going to be cute cut maybe with a little highlights to you never know.

 Post subject: Re: Bookw0rm's first MC of 2017
PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:34 am 

Joined: Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:51 am
Posts: 58
It's so nice to see that you're still hanging in there and actually lost 25+ lbs, what a wonderful b'day present to give to yourself! I especially liked reading how you're going to pamper yourself with a new look, I'm contemplating doing the same thing once I get to my goal weight size. Just a few more days to go... I'm on the sidelines cheering for you!!!

 Post subject: Re: Bookw0rm's first MC of 2017
PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 8:23 am 
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Joined: Sat Apr 02, 2016 1:47 pm
Posts: 155
Thank you for the support ladies <3 It truly means a lot. I am looking forward to the bday. I am by no means at my goal weight because I'm 5'2, so 170ish lbs isn't really ideal. I still have belly fat and have to tone but I've made a great start.

Day 33

no time for a weigh in

Today I feel good. Now that I'm on the home stretch, I kinda wish I could keep on fasting. Everyday on the mc is different though. Some days suck and some days are great.

My stomach has been looking really bloated the last few days. Probably because I didn't do the swf. Hope to back on track tmrw.

 Post subject: Re: Bookw0rm's first MC of 2017
PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 4:32 am 
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Joined: Sat Apr 02, 2016 1:47 pm
Posts: 155
Day 34


Didn't drink any lemonade yesterday. Idk why. Just had water. Felt fine. Energy was good. When I woke up I didn't feel weak or shaky either. Still eliminating stuff regardless. Please don't do as I do...do what your body tells you. I just couldn't stomach that stuff and wasn't that hungry. I brought it with me and will have 1 now.

Sunday I will go shopping for veggies and oranges to start breaking the fast. I've been reading a lot about intermittent fasting. 8hr window to eat, 16hr window to fast a day. We will see what my appetite is like when I am done. I will continue to be healthy and indulge a tiny bit now and then. I plan on doing the mc again soon, hopefully when I have another few days off so I can rest and deal with detox symptoms.

Since I've been on the mc I've been a hermit and really hunkered down. Work, home. Work home. Nothing social. In the beginning I found it really restrictive and it drove me a little crazy but it was also necessary to just take that alone time for myself.

Hope your mc is going well. Don't give up.

 Post subject: Re: Bookw0rm's first MC of 2017
PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 7:46 am 

Joined: Thu May 28, 2009 5:36 pm
Posts: 162
Location: Southern California
hi BW! I just wanted you to know that I have been following your cleanse from the start and am so inspired by your determination and success! I didn't want to post until I started myself but I have been celebrating with you as you shrink! I have suffered from heavy periods and anemia on and off my whole life! Do you get restless legs when your iron is low? That's another horrific symptom of anemia. My periods finally stopped about 6 mos. ago - I just turned 53 so I guess it's that time. Um, yay...

Anyway, I am cheering you on and so proud of you! Decadent Italian food sounds sinfully yummy for your birthday and I love that you are getting a new do to match the new you!

Stay strong and please keep posting after your cleanse so I can live vicariously with you as you transition back to eating and beyond.

I believe it's time for me to FLY ...

 Post subject: Re: Bookw0rm's first MC of 2017
PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 9:45 am 
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 Post subject: Re: Bookw0rm's first MC of 2017
PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 12:25 pm 
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Day 34 - part 2

So I've been unintentionally water fasting the last two days and feel good. No loss of energy. No weakness or shakiness. In all honesty, this mc has been more of a water fast because I didn't drink the recommended number of daily lemonades. If I didn't have to break my fast for the bday, I'd consider doing water fasting for a while. Anyway wanted to comment that my tongue seems pinker and isn't coated as much. I notice the water at home taste different (we have a soft water filter)...now I understand what people complain about when they drink our water from the tap. We've had soft water since 2013 but my tongue was forever white no matter how much I scraped it every morning and night.

Okay will be doing the swf tonight, and jumping around on the rebounder :) That should help with my weight that seems to have plateaued. I want to hit the 160 before I end off *fingers crossed*

The birthday dinner being full of fat, carbs, cheese/dairy has me reconsidering. I mean I've been dreaming of eating there forever (last ate there Feb 2016) but the idea of eating it now, sort of makes me feel queasy. It could just be a passing feeling though. Eating a salad with fresh veggies actually is more appealing right now. Everyone is excited about going and I don't want to disappoint.

 Post subject: Re: Bookw0rm's first MC of 2017
PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 5:52 pm 

Joined: Wed Mar 15, 2017 8:06 pm
Posts: 53
Hi Bookw0rm, I noticed the weight plateau :( You have been doing great to push through! I love the fact that you are listening to that little voice in your head to eat something light! Mind over matter! You will be able to continue to lose weight after MC. Your journey doesn't stop here! This is just the jump start. I'm the queen of gimmick diets. My initial plan was to do two week gimmick diets and change ever two weeks so I wouldn't get bored. Most people
can do something for two weeks. I like your 8/16 plan. What is that called? It might deserve to make my list of two week gimmicks. When I'm finished with MC, I plan on starting another two week diet. MC was originally suppose to be two weeks in length for me, but I'm going to push through to the 37 +3 plan. Then do a two week diet after my son's birthday party.

I'm proud of you! Don't give up until you reach your goals! It took time to gain the weight, and it will take time for it to go away!

 Post subject: Re: Bookw0rm's first MC of 2017
PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 7:19 am 
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Joined: Sat Apr 02, 2016 1:47 pm
Posts: 155
^ Thank you for that lovely message and encouragement Baisprincess :) The plan I mentioned is called Intermittent Fasting.

Day 35 (first day of ease out)

169.2lbs = 27.6lbs lost. Woohoo I'm in the 160s ya'll.

Went shopping for fruits and veggies today. I was reflecting after I came home about what a pain in the butt shopping for food & eating food is vs the mc. The mc is simple. Squeeze lemons, dump in maple syrup, shake in cayenne and you're done.

Cooking? You have to get a ride there (I don't drive), fight the crowds in store, walk around till you find all the stuff you need, line up, get a ride home, upload from car, unpack, put away. Then you have to plan what you're going to eat 3x a day or whatever. Find the time to cook. And it never stops. Constantly feeding and fueling yourself. Kind of a hassle, no? I'm not whining. I was mostly marveling at how lovely and simple the mc is. I've saved so much time the last 35 days. Kinda not looking forward to it tbh.

I am feeling a bit...sad having to end the mc. I feel like I'm at the edge looking out and I'm a little scared about what happens to me next. The mc is very clear cut with precise instructions. I think I do better on a routine. What if I fail? What if I eat uncontrollably? What if my health issues persist? I'm sure this feeling is fleeting...maybe lol.
As Baisprincess said, it took me a long time to gain this weight so it will take me some time to lose it all. I have to keep making the best choices I can each time I eat. Still stay focused on my health when I choose to eat healthfully and not cave to temptation.

I'm not sure if I want to do the orange juice today or the lemonade...feeling a bit nervous. I'll let you know what I do later today lmao.

Happy MC <3

part 2

Picked up Pau d'arco tea. It's supposed to help with candida. We'll see what it taste like. **Update it's kind awful so let the tea cool down and just gulp it down.

Okay so I made the decision to start easing out of the mc today. Since I am off work, I could take the time to deal with any side effects if I felt awful. So far I have not had any nausea, stomach pains, queasiness. I had several glasses of the orange juice mixed with water. I also took a probiotic. Tomorrow will be only oranges again. The oranges were perfect. Not too sweet, not too tart. The probiotic has made me really hungry so I have been sipping the oj ever 2-3 hours.

Last edited by bookw0rm on Sun Mar 26, 2017 9:51 am, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Bookw0rm's first MC of 2017
PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 6:36 pm 

Joined: Thu May 28, 2009 5:36 pm
Posts: 162
Location: Southern California
27 pounds! WooHoo! You go, girl! You rocked this master cleanse and you should be proud of you! What an awesome birthday present for yourself. You just went 35 days without eating! Wow. Now that you know what you are capable of, there is no way you will fail! You have an incredible inner strength, proven by what you have just accomplished and if you need a fixed routine, then simply find a new routine to follow as you begin adding food back into your life! If you need a plan, then just keep plannin. oh, and keep posting please ;)

I believe it's time for me to FLY ...

 Post subject: Re: Bookw0rm's first MC of 2017
PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 10:32 pm 

Joined: Wed Mar 15, 2017 8:06 pm
Posts: 53
Great job! What a trooper! You went the distance, and motivated me to do the same. Thanks for sharing your experience! 27 lbs is a lot!!!! Be proud and stay proud!

 Post subject: Re: Bookw0rm's first MC of 2017
PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 6:44 am 
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Joined: Sat Apr 02, 2016 1:47 pm
Posts: 155
Thank you so much ladies <3

Day 36 (2nd day of ease out)


*TMI warning*
I took a laxative tea before bed from triple leaf, not sm. SM works faster. The Triple leaf is more unpredictable. I am drinking the OJ with pulp so I think most of the elimination was the pulp. I have to remember to take the another probiotic to help with digestion. I truly think taking that made the difference yesterday in how my stomach felt. If you have stomach aches easing off, you have to remember that your body needs to rebuild friendly flora. Enzymes and probiotics help a lot.

Felt really hungry at the end of the night but the oranges kept me going. Today is another full day of oranges. I feel fine so far - energy and mental clarity is normal. I plan to resume iron pills from today to help my body build my iron. I am going to use Floradix.

They made baked potatoes and baked macaroni at home. Two of my favs and all carby but I wasn't tempted. Sis also brought over baked macaroni and her's is better than my mom's lmao. I will resist!

When I get home from work, I'll make my broth/soup for tomorrow.

Part 2 **Warning** Food talk ahead. Feel free to skip

I had the oj all day but my hunger really took over when I got home from work (around 5pm). I had a tiny piece of the baked macaroni and tiny piece of baked potato. I took my time to savor the taste although I wanted to really shovel it down lmao.

I snacked a bit on some baby carrots. Then for dinner I made the veg soup. The warm broth really felt good in my stomach. I had 2 servings. I am trying to pace myself and my stomach. It feels nice to be "full". I think I might have gone a little crazy today.

Tomorrow I'll probably do the same thing. OJ morning. Maybe cucumbers for lunch and more of the soup for dinner.

 Post subject: Re: Bookw0rm's first MC of 2017
PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 5:13 am 
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Joined: Sat Apr 02, 2016 1:47 pm
Posts: 155
(Ease out day 3)

170 lbs

So with all the eating last night and not eliminating this morning, I'm at 170lbs. Not bad considering I didn't stick to my plan. Haven't exercised and have to get on that again. I woke up feeling on the full/satisfied side vs starving. No tummy aches from all I ate. I did have lots of gurgling going on an lmao TMI lots of gas as things are digesting. During the mc I never had gas issues. Energy and mental clarity normal.

Breakfast is orange juice smoothie - added whole peeled oranges, water, ice to vitamix. Kinda miss the "juice" taste but wanted to blend up all that good stuff. It yielded 2x the amount I get from squeezing and mixing with water. I will take the leftovers to work as a snack or leave for tomorrow.

Lunch/snack was sliced cucumbers. No salt. Felt starving mid afternoon so had the soup then. I have the oj left for the rest of the day. The hunger I am feeling is different than on mc.

Attempting to do this 8hr eating, 16 hr fasting thing. My last meal has to be before 7pm. We'll see how I adapt.

It's 8:30pm and I am hungry. I will sit with a pitcher of water and have that for the duration of the night. I have a slight headache and jaw ache too. I am really proud of myself for sticking to my IF plan today. I am still fighting cravings and urges - cookies, breads, cheese snacks but those things are "treats" and if you have treats whenever you want then it by definition stops being a treat. I had made up my mind earlier to walk to the mall to buy some junk and had to stop myself. I didn't want to mess up my new body.
Just because I am off the mc, doesn't mean it's any easier. The hunger eases off but you still have to consciously make the best decisions for yourself and your body. You mind is still craving the old foods and habits. I am relearning a new way to eat and live.

Last edited by bookw0rm on Mon Mar 27, 2017 2:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Bookw0rm's first MC of 2017
PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 1:01 pm 

Joined: Wed Mar 15, 2017 8:06 pm
Posts: 53
Awesome job! Be very proud of all that you have accomplished. I'm on Day 15 because of you! Thanks so much for sharing your journey! It really inspired me to go beyond 14 days. I'm still amazed at myself! Great job, I'm sure you will be successful on your new adventure. I'm going to do the Sugar Busters diet after this. Thanks again Bookw0rm!

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