55.6 kilos waist 28.25
SWF done... but don't any of you do this. I waited til about 8 am to chug it. Then my husband gets fiendish plan to leave EARLY for our planned Denpasar shopping and medical trip, so that we can see Guardians of the Galaxy at the newly opened, latest-Dolby XXI Cineplex. Well, I like this idea but I've just chugged my salt water and, as we all know, it is a really bad idea to get into a car or simply not be within leaping distance of a toilet. So I take a calculated risk. I don't drink extra water. Just: okay, I hhaven't "gone" yet, so maybe I can hold off 'til we hit your hardware store.
Stupid idea.
We actually get to the lighting store in deepest, darkest Denpasar, and my kidneys are railing at me. I've gone way too long without fluid (only thing I drank was the salt water). I ask one of the stock girls if I can use the Kamar Kecil. Oh, boy, she leads me back through the bowels of the store, and, just as you might expect in the oldest part of town, through a rabbit warren of boxes of every imaginable size (this is a store of lighting fixtures, spools of electrical cable, light bulbs, you name it). I seriously wonder if I'd make it out alive if there should be a fire while I'm making my way through the maze to the staff toilet. This is pure third world shophouse nightmare. The girl tells me, as she points to a scary staircase, that the toilet's at the top. I go up and cannot discern from where comes the sound of rushing water. It takes me a full minute of wandering amidst the towers of boxes up there, to locate the john. Someone's in it. No matter, I take a big, long swig of drinking water to prime the pump. At last, one of the employees (this place is probably 700 sq feet and it employs at least fifteen people... maybe to make everyone fit and still have room for customers, one person has to be in the toilet at all times). Actually, the guy emerges and acts politely embarrassed for taking a long time (He didn't, particularly). Now, I have been living in southeast Asia for about 27 years... before moving here, I traveled within Asia. I've used toilets of all kinds. I've gotten used to bringing my own tissue, to finding muddy footprints where there ought to be other body parts; I'm well accustomed to stinking, filthy outhouses emptying out over fields of produce, and I have developed all the tricks to entering a flooded restroom in long pants with a knapsack and a shoulder bag and have nothing but the soles of my shoes touch the swampy floor. And this restroom was... well, it was pretty damned typical... inch of water sloshing about the floor, flushing water sitting in an overflowing mandi tub, hose to squirt yourself clean. But it was a toilet, and I had just chugged some badly needed water, and I was going to make my contribution come hell or high sewage. And I came out of there grateful that the shopkeeper let me go up there, past the firetrap, through the narrow canyons of boxes, a happy customer of both the MC and the lighting store.
Local color for y'all. But my main point is, don't go without water in the morning. That SWF needs a chaser. My kidneys were fine, later. I was back at the car making myself a lemonade a half hour later.
Lemonade tally 8 Feeling pretty good, energy OK Enjoyed the film
Bali Lemon
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Last edited by Bali Lemon on Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:45 pm, edited 3 times in total.