Oh, I get it. On the MC I can't imagine that anyone's system would become dependent upon natural products like senna or the salt water, although I know that people on the SAD (Standard American Diet) who start taking laxatives DO become dependent. They aren't getting enough roughage in their diet. So they do get dependent upon laxatives or prunes or other methods of staying regular. But what if a person on the SAD suddenly changes his lifestyle to include roughage like more raw and cooked vegetables? If he didn't have a colon packed with sludge, he'd get things moving. And he might make it eventually. But the sludge is begging for more sludge.
The whole purpose of the MC is that a person is finally flushing out what's just been sitting in the colon, and in effect we are giving our entire digestive system a much-deserved rest.
BTW, I highly recommend Peter Glickman's book on the Master Cleanse ("Lose Weight, Have More Energy"...etc which is available on amazon.com. He goes into this in some detail. And buy an extra copy for your doc friend!
Anyway, after the plumbing gets a rest, a Master Cleanser would do his or her happy gastrointestinal a terrible disservice to go right back onto hamburgers and french fries. Successful MCleansers stop craving the SAD and find themselves very genuinely interested in eating more salads, more vegetables and fruit, less starches and meats. It's the body's needs making themselves known, now that these natural needs don't have to talk over the screams of the sludge to keep consuming more SAD.
So, just to respond to what your doc friend says, he does have a point that the normal person eating the normal American diet has GOT to find a way to eat more fresh and fibrous fruit, more fresh and unprocessed vegetables, so that he can actually keep colon health. But people are so addicted to their current diets, that it is almost impossible, will-power-wise, to branch from the SAD to a high-vegetable, high-roughage diet.
We are all in the process of flushing out the junk that is sitting in our colons, stacking up, sticking like glue, festering, whatever.
I am confident that if you do the cleanse by the book (Stanley Burroughs, championed here on this site and available several places online as it's in the public domain), you will lose any food addictions and bad eating habits and be totally ready to embrace a new diet, whether it's the 5-2 diet, something ketogenic, Dr Eric Berg, something vegan or vegetarian, or something else entirely. And that is when it will be so easy for you to get the balance in your diet that keeps a body regular.
Your ease-off days (after the MC, when you aren't flushing and senna-ing and drinking lemonade) are as important as the cleanse itself, so be sure to read up on this and don't just take my word for it.
I usually do fresh squeezed OJ for a full day (quite a let-down, nutritionally and energy-wise, after the lemonade, but it's just a day), and make a massive pot of vegetable soup. I consume the broth ONLY for at least one day (longer, if I have been on the MC for over 10 days) and slowly introduce eating the vegetable pieces with the broth. The veggies always make me "go" again, and, now taking probiotics to make my gut full of good flora again, my body is ready to digest complicated foods. Never had a thought for the SWF or senna once I'm eating veggies like a fiend.
Hope this helps.
Luv, Lem