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Master Cleanse Forum - Master Cleanser Lemonade Diet • View topic - Seventh gonna be heaven?

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 Post subject: Seventh gonna be heaven?
PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 12:15 am 

Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:13 am
Posts: 297
Ohhhhhh Kay! I am back up to 129 lbs (well, 58.7 kilos in my altogether this morning) and it's time to give my body a break from all the ridiculous pigging out I've been doing.

Basically, it started with three days in New Orleans. I think that's how a lot of sad stories begin.

Then it was my grandson's birthday in Hong Kong (ya shoulda seen the cake), MY birthday, and, most recently, big visit here in Bali from my son and his growing family. I have been eating generally healthily (fish and veggies) but about once a week I have a cocktail or wine, and there was one day when we had roti Chennai and curry for brekkies, and I snuck a couple of bites of ice cream yesterday... those little moments of weakness just add up. I am feeling a bit chunky.

So I will treat my body to a little R and R by going on the Cleanse tomorrow.

I had a bit of a "last detail" tonight by having a sunset hour Campari and Soda and a bunch of popcorn dripping in coconut oil. I took a bite of chocolate sauce I had in the fridge from making my son and his wife some fried bananas, and it actually tasted pretty awful. I am just sick of eating.

The worst thing about doing the MC right now is that my husband is in town. It drives me batty, sometimes, to have him around while I am on the MC. He is ripped and always has been, without doing much more than a little TaiChi and diving and snorkeling. He could eat a pound cake for breakfast every day and never gain an ounce. Fortunately, he starts his day with a peanut butter-banana kale shake, so he's not exactly eating poorly. But because he has never felt a need to reduce or fast, he can make thoughtless remarks that really demoralize me. The trick will be to let the staff cook his meals and I am simply not hanging out with him while he's eating.

Vital stats:

Breasts 35
waist 30
Hips 39.5

other stats
belly just below waist 35 (oMG that's embarrassing)
fattest part of thigh: 21.5

I just want to get back into this little bustier from Paul Ropp and into my skinny jeans, which will probably be at 53 kilos or so.
We have a trip coming up, visa run to either Malaysia or Darwin, haven't bought our tickets. That's more than 2 weeks away, which should cover the span of the MC and ease-out. Bye-bye food and hello REST for my digestive tract.

Bali Lemon

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basic ticker.png [ 4.69 KiB | Viewed 10650 times ]

Last edited by Bali Lemon on Sat Apr 22, 2017 4:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
 Post subject: Re: Seventh gonna be heaven?
PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 6:09 am 

Joined: Tue May 17, 2016 4:49 pm
Posts: 279
OK I have to finish laughing at the peanut butter and kale smoothie and finish reading!! hahah that is one way around the Reality of Kale!

And Hooray! I am on Day 3 myself! Hopefully short, always at least 10 days. Like you ... got sick of eating. Nothing tasted right. Nothing was satisfying. So here I am harboring 100 fresh picked lemons from the tree up the street. :)

This will be fun! Not as much fun as three days in New Orleans, but with as much salt no doubt!

 Post subject: Re: Seventh gonna be heaven?
PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 1:31 pm 

Joined: Tue Mar 21, 2017 11:10 pm
Posts: 59
Good luck to both of you :)

 Post subject: Re: Seventh gonna be heaven?
PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 2:36 pm 

Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:13 am
Posts: 297
weight 57.8
waistline 29.5
no senna tea last night
SWF at 6 am (took me the usual 25 mins to get it all down) RIDICULOUSLY productive

Lemonade tally: 6; sipping mint tea off n on (two big mugs of it total)
Trying really really hard to drink a lot of water because I don't want to get dehydrated and have my kidneys ache again like the last couple of times.
Nearly went out of my mind trying to find the cayenne pepper I brought with me from the states more than a month ago. Like, what fabulously clever place did I use to stow the thing so it wouldn't get all caked up and full of humidity (like the two other jars of cayenne which were sitting here for the whole rainy season). For my first 4 lemonades, I was drinking the ruined cayenne, which tastes like dust. Finally found it in the first place I ever looked for it, on a third, more searching, rifle-through. Sheesh. But happy to be back on spicy ones now. Feeling good. Day One is always like this... just a breeze. It's Day 3 I gotta steel myself for. And I am not looking forward to smelling everyone's bad breath and BO.

ticker day one.png
ticker day one.png [ 9.78 KiB | Viewed 10672 times ]

Last edited by Bali Lemon on Sat Apr 22, 2017 12:06 pm, edited 4 times in total.
 Post subject: Re: Seventh gonna be heaven?
PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 2:52 pm 

Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:13 am
Posts: 297
Hey, Abbey Lee!!! Great to see you back in the Cleanse Room! Or whatever we call this forum of lemon and cayenne-infused chatter. Plungers and toilet paper back around the corner.

I will look for your posts.

Luv, Lem

 Post subject: Re: Seventh gonna be heaven?
PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 3:00 pm 

Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:13 am
Posts: 297
Thanks, DeeDee! I'm going to need luck, voodoo, will power, stamina, good limes, and my husband to stay in his office. hah!

L, Lemon

 Post subject: Re: Seventh gonna be heaven?
PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 12:05 pm 

Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:13 am
Posts: 297

57.5 kilos
35 bust
waist 29 inches
hip/gut 33.25
hips 39.25

Last night, thought I was gonna have to sleep in another room after catching a whiff of my husband's breath. It's amazing how quickly my smell sensitivity has set in this time. Crappy sleep, massive waves pounding outside (new moon is getting close so we're having bigger tidal action). Then when I get up to go to the toilet at 4 am, the electricity cuts out in this bungalow. Happy with everything else, but I hate it when I can't get a good night's sleep.

Lemonade tally 7
No Senna
Mint teas: o
Trying to remember to just chug a lot of water, but got my aching kidneylower back PAIN thing by noon, and I knew I wasn't having enough. Tried chugging more as day wore on, and it does help. Tongue already coated white by noon. Husband told me my breath is not so good. Well, at least I'm in the process of actually getting rid of my toxic buildup. Went for a nice, easy snorkel. Kept chugging water. Yes, you pee a lot when you do this. An OK day. Hope to get a better night's sleep.

tikcer day two.png
tikcer day two.png [ 9.79 KiB | Viewed 10642 times ]
 Post subject: Re: Seventh gonna be heaven?
PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 2:32 pm 

Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:13 am
Posts: 297
Well, duhhh; I was adding too much salt to my SWF drink on Days 1 and 2. I read last night that I was supposed to use 2 teaspoons of salt to my liter of water, and for days 1 and 2, I was actually using Tablespoons. Didn't I make this mistake another time I did the MC? I think I have finally learned my lesson. Only minor and brief low back pain in the morning. It was gone by 9 am.

SWF (in proper proportion) successful and surprising there's still solids in the gut, howsoever small. Sorry to be graphic.

weight: 57.7 Kilos (at 127 lbs, I am still on target with losing a pound a day)
measurements: 34.8 - 28.25 - 38.5 (so I am reducing nicely)
extra measurements: belly/hip: 34.5
thigh at fattest part: 21"

Got a good night's sleep (7 1/2 hours, really good for 58-year-old me). Feel pretty good, still some kidney pain this morning but chugging water and did 40 mins of Classical Stretch exercises.

Lemonade tally: 8

Pee'ing a lot today, probably due to correct salt balance in the SWF and elevated water consumption. Going for the 4 C's: Color (none), Clarity, Copious and frequenCy. In a better mood than expected with a DAY 3.

ticker day 3.png
ticker day 3.png [ 9.76 KiB | Viewed 10633 times ]

Last edited by Bali Lemon on Mon Apr 24, 2017 4:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
 Post subject: Re: Seventh gonna be heaven?
PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 2:29 am 

Joined: Thu Apr 19, 2007 6:56 am
Posts: 8
Allow me to introduce myself. Beckerde54 here. I am on day 3. Just swallowed the last of this mornings SWF. Now standby for the reactions. I use a product called Herblax from Shaklee in the form of an herbal tea in the evening. 6 tablets mashed up into a powder add distilled water and warm in the microwave. Day 3 and day 2 weight is the same. I don't get that. I am an extra large, no, 4X large at 319 lb. or 145 kg. 10 years ago the weight seemed to fall off. I am perplexed by the fact that I did not lose any weight from yesterday morning to this morning. Do you use the entire 2 ounces of maple syrup per serving along with the citrus juice and water?

 Post subject: Re: Seventh gonna be heaven?
PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 10:14 am 

Joined: Tue Mar 21, 2017 11:10 pm
Posts: 59
Great job Bali Lemon :)

 Post subject: Re: Seventh gonna be heaven?
PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 3:57 pm 

Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:13 am
Posts: 297
Thanks, DeeDee. I am glad that you are there with your words of encouragement. I can't do this cleanse unless I am connected to the forum. It sometimes seems like the whole gd world is chomping on more calories than necessary, that the whole world thinks I'm crazy for fasting, and so it is just a nice safe place to share with people doing the same thing.

Beckerde54 (hope I got that name right). All hail! Welcome! I drink the whole dang 2T of maple syrup with every lemonade. Your body's gotta survive on something. The fresh lemon or lime provides a little vitamin C and a lot of enzymes (keeps your system a little alkalyzed, which is so beneficial), but the dark maple syrup provides the energy and minerals necessary to keep your vital organs functioning. And the cayenne, believe it or not, provides a little vitamin A and some of the B vitamins that are also necessary to survive on.

StarMac, you are on day3... that is most people's toughest day, and the day after which many people quit. It is usually the first day a person is aware of toxins coming out and it can be very uncomfortable. The other crappy day is Day 7 (or thereabouts, according to Peter Glickman, whose 2 books on the MC are at my side as I write). So hang in there and do the cleanse exactly by Burrows and you will not be disappointed.

Yes, it is harder, as we get older, to get weight off and keep it off. I notice, when not on the MC, that I eat portions I used to associate with my elderly in-laws. Suddenly, here at 58 y.o., I eat like an old lady. Well, so be it.

I now hover around my ideal weight and just do the MC to lose ten or so lbs when I've tipped the scales that way and am literally fed up with the act of eating. I have learned to recognize when I'm overdoing it and my body needs a rest. But it's taken a while.

Although the MC is the fastest, safest way to lose a little weight, I value it as my chance to hit the reset button on my eating habits. It is so easy for me to get addicted to sugar (for me, in the form of BBQ sauce and alcoholic beverages) and to starch (bread, pasta). And the only way I have proven to myself that I can stop eating those is to do the MC. When I stop craving them, and I start dreaming of salads and green veggies, I know the MC has worked for me. I always do the minimum 10 days plus a nice long 4 day ease-off of OJ and then veg broth. Couple of times I've gone longer. But I am in utter awe of gals like Abbey Lee and DeeDee who have stuck with it for over a month.

Just remember tyhat the longer you are on the cleanse, the more rested your GI tract is, and the plumbing requires a very gradual ease-off. When I eased off of my fifth cleanse (it was almost a month, something like 26 days), I really had to watch it. My body was not ready for solids for quite a few days. Glickman "Lose Weight, Have More Energy, Be Happier in 10 Days" warns that a person can make themselves sick without a proper ease-off.

So, yeah, I can relate to what you say about weight not being so easy to come off. MC is the best way to hit the reset and jumpstart a new lifestyle of healthier eating.

Keep me posted. Glad you're here.4

Luv, Lem

Last edited by Bali Lemon on Tue Apr 25, 2017 5:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Seventh gonna be heaven?
PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 4:11 pm 

Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:13 am
Posts: 297
DAY 4 (hey, is that correct?)
OMG, the whole world is smelly! My husband's office smells like a toxic waste dump and when I walk back into our bedroom in the morning, I almost gag at the BO. I know some of it is my own sensitivity to smells, but I admit that I am also probably a stinking mass of oozing toxins and no amount of toothbrushing is going to make me kissable right now. I get my teeth cleaned on Friday. Hope the dental assistant doesn't take any shortcuts because she can't stand the open pit she's gotta work in. "OK, Mrs R, you done now. Thank you. Go see Billing." har

the stats:
56.5 kilos
35 - 28 - 39
belly/gut/hip circumference: 34
fattest part of thigh: 21 (been measuring my left. weird to suddenly discover that my right thigh is smaller at 20.8 inches. I am not playing tennis with my left leg. Mysteries of life...)

SWF: effective but took so long to "happen" that I brewed a senna tea and so I sat there waiting for it to steep, then suddenly it was, "get me to a toilet STAT" and so the senna went to the fridge.

For the hell of it, I did a urine test strip on first morning's pee, and it was neg to hemoglobin and protein and glucose. Sadly it showed a mere trace of ketosis, so I'm losing water weight mostly. Urine was ph 6.5. Not horrible. Wish I could get some ketosis to set in, but when I think about it, it really shouldn't occur for a few more days of this.

Lemonade tally: 8

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ticker day 4.png [ 9.76 KiB | Viewed 10608 times ]
 Post subject: Re: Seventh gonna be heaven?
PostPosted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 4:03 pm 

Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:13 am
Posts: 297
Day 5

weight: 56.4 kilos (small victory, moving in right direction)
35 - 28.5 - 38.5
Belly circumference 33.75 inches
thigh: 21.75 at fattest

Good night's sleep. Classical Stretch DVD 1/2 hour first thing; feel great.
SWF wasn't kicking in, so I chugged the leftover senna tea that was in the fridge and I finally got results, incl bit of solids. This cleanse never ceases to amaze me. Later I note that the senna in the morning probably is the cause of me having the trots all gosh darned day long. Bother! Glad I didn't have any meetings scheduled.

Lemonade tally : 6 or 7; consumed a lot of water

Jeans loose. Losing the pot belly. As usual, now that one layer of fat is coming off the belly, I see the puckers of cellulite below the belt. Worth it. I would rather have the orange peel on a flat tummy than my old bloat as smooth as a giant billiard ball.
Thinking about vegetables more and more. Like, after this MC, will try to transition onto Berg Liver Cleanse diet. Heavy on veggies.

ticker day 5.png
ticker day 5.png [ 9.98 KiB | Viewed 10587 times ]

Last edited by Bali Lemon on Thu Apr 27, 2017 3:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
 Post subject: Re: Seventh gonna be heaven?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 4:42 am 

Joined: Tue May 17, 2016 4:49 pm
Posts: 279

Gotta agree about the pot belly versus flat belly, amen! This is the only form of detox that is capable of taking an inch off your waist in three days. I mean, there's water fasting, but that's altogether a different beast and isn't exactly the same as lemons, cayenne, sweetener stripping the guts out. I feel like as much is happening (or maybe more) inside us as outside!

Yes to morning senna tea causing all day poo. And for me, it can cause 2-3 am abdominal cramping when taken at night. I may try a different tea soon to see if I will get better more sleep-thru-the-night results. Peter Glickman is high on senna tea being in mixes and not just straight up. I have also read that the cramping is a function of getting the toxins out of us. Not sure what to believe. No matter though, my mind doesn't have to be satisfied. As long as I get results, I could give a fig about the mechanism.

Your results are amazing amazing! Great measurements! Excellent progress.


Master Cleanse On Lemoney Lemm!

 Post subject: Re: Seventh gonna be heaven?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 4:52 am 

Joined: Tue May 17, 2016 4:49 pm
Posts: 279

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