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 Post subject: Been a few years, back again!
PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 3:28 pm 

Joined: Thu Oct 29, 2009 2:43 am
Posts: 33
Hi folks! To save having to re-write the backstory, the following was written here by me, four years ago:

Hi all! I did my first MC a little over 3 years ago, in early November 2009. I was at my highest weight ever (258), and was doing the cleanse AS a cleanse... not necessarily to lose weight, but to prepare myself to lose weight. I was viewing it as a last-ditch, one-final-time honest effort to get the weight off and get healthy, after dozens and dozens of failures over my lifetime.

Well, I made it a week, and felt absolutely wonderful at the end of it. I dropped 15 lbs, my knees stopped hurting (I attribute that to the cayenne).... and about half of it stayed off, up to the point where almost two months later I finally took the desperate step of having weight loss surgery. Which was the best decision I ever made in my life. Don't ever think it's "the easy way out" ... there's nothing easy about it, you STILL have to do things the right way... it just makes it POSSIBLE for you to do things the right way, when the "right" things didn't work for you before. Anyone who's never had a problem won't understand that statement and I don't want to get into a big debate about it, but anyway.......

.....the unfortunate part about that is that they operate on our stomachs--not our heads. I got down to 166 lbs. (honestly really great for my 5'8" frame), held very steady at 172 for a year and a half, and then the old ugly sugar beast raised it's head again, and I've slowly been putting weight back on over the last 15 months or so. I've got to get my head back in the game and break this sugar addiction (and it IS an addiction... studies show that the brain and body respond EXACTLY the same way to the taste of, and even the idea of sugar, for many people, as they do in someone with a chemical drug addiction).

SO. I'm low-carbing it for the next 2-3 days to get most of that yuck out, then hitting the Cleanse. Yes it's all carbs, but I can deal with that in order to start out with a clean slate afterwards. It'll get boring, but the good news for me is that I produce very little of the hormone that makes you feel hungry, so actual physical hunger is not an issue. Geez, I'm writing a novel! Guess I'm just getting it all down and out of my head for my own good. :)

And here I am, back again. I think that time I made it three days. Since then I've slowly gained a little here, little I've put back on a little over half of what I lost after the surgery. I believe now even more strongly than I did then in the addictive powers of sugar...something I wish I'd known and understood before the surgery so I'd have been prepared for it to creep its way back in, and could have recognized warning signs.

But Anyway! Today was Day 1 and I'm feeling a little thick in the head. Not quite headachy, but almost. My intention is to shoot for a week at least, or however long I last after that, then repeat the post-op process from the beginning (which will break the sugar thing again). I'll try to update daily just to keep my head in the game and stay excited about doing this. :)

Day 1: 226 lbs.

 Post subject: Re: Been a few years, back again!
PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 5:03 am 

Joined: Tue May 17, 2016 4:49 pm
Posts: 279
Yay! That's so good that you are MCing! It helps so much. It's so clarifying and gives you space to think things thru.

Refined sugar is absolutely addictive. There's no bottom to that hole!

You can do this!

 Post subject: Re: Been a few years, back again!
PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 5:32 am 

Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:13 am
Posts: 297
Yay!!! Keep on Cleansing, keep on posting!! Glad to have you along for the ride.

Hey, Squatch, you are halfway there, simply because you made up your mind to do this thing. If you know you have a sugar addiction, you will be battling it for sure (but it's nice to have the maple syrup component if only to supply energy). Just remember that if you have cravings, then the Cleanse is DOING ITS THING. It's not a magic bullet, it's a process.

You didn't ask for it, but here's some advice:

1. Educate and empower yourself on the MC while taking on the discipline:
Fill your free time with reading all the FAQs in this forum's top menu, download the Burroughs book and read that (it's in the public domain). This site seems legit, but keep your McAfee or other virus protection going just in case :

Anyway, the reading up on the MC just keeps you on the right track, is a worthy distraction on the more toxic days (usually Day 3 and 7), and you will be empowered by the correct data and research.

Check out Burroughs advocate Peter Glickman's books on the Master Cleanse, also:
Lose Weight, Have More Energy, and Be Happier in Ten Days: ... 0975572229
Glickman also has a book called the Master Cleanse Coach, and I found this invaluable on earlier cleanses.

2. Keep posting. Take slow walks in nature. Avoid the people who discourage you. Do not try crazy exercise routines at this time. You are detoxifying your body by resting its digestive system. It's quiet time.

3. Check out this guy:
He is this chiropractor who has done a lot of research on weight loss at his Virginia health and weight management clinic, and there are thousands of us who swear by him. He has over 100 videos on YouTube, so you can search for him there, too. Just for when you are done with the cleanse and you want to change your eating and lifestyle habits.

We are rooting for you, Squatch.

Love, Bali Lemon

 Post subject: Re: Been a few years, back again!
PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 2:07 pm 

Joined: Thu Oct 29, 2009 2:43 am
Posts: 33
Thank you both so much! I did a lot of research on the MC the first time around and revisted it all for a couple of weeks before starting this time, but I'll definitely check out that chiro's site tomorrow night or over the weekend (I work long days today and tomorrow). Just wanted to journal a little bit tonight before I forgot and fell asleep. :D

Yesterday (Day 1) went well aside from feeling a little headachy by the end of the day, and a little sinusy. The headache I'm sure is from the cleanse because those are very rare for me. The sinusy part, wellll... could be allergies, mine do tend to come on late summer/early fall, but yesterday was the first I felt any of that. Tongue was a little coated this morning.

Today was a looooonngggg day because I slept like absolute garbage last night! I swear I woke up and flipped over every 20 mintues, and had to get up and pee at least twice (thank you, senna tea). I had a few moments of hunger and/or boredom here and there, just wanting something different to taste, but didn't cave (although I did have a piece of sugarless gum in the afternoon, as I do work closely with people in a medical setting). No headache today, and even tonight when I thought I'd have to fight myself not to at least have some soup or something, I have no desire to do so.

About to have my tea and call it a day. OH...scale says I'm down 4.8 lbs from yesterday morning! I know that's all elimination and lack of intake, but still exciting to see. :D Hubby stocked up on the lemons for me today (his day off) so I'm good to go!

 Post subject: Re: Been a few years, back again!
PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 4:09 pm 

Joined: Thu Oct 29, 2009 2:43 am
Posts: 33
End of Day 3... down 6 pounds.

Tried to do a SWF this morning but it's too much to chug too fast when you have limited capacity. I'll try again tomorrow morning when I have more time and see what happens. Have been feeling good all day, if a little tired (didn't sleep a whole lot better last night). Nighttime is the only time I start really wanting anything different, and I have to stop myself from starting to rationalize why I'd be fine to start easing back into the liquid protein now, or have some of my amazing homemade butternut squash soup... but it's NOT time for that yet!! Wanna clear out my system as much as possible and then start giving it probiotic stuff so it's ready to absorb all the good stuff afterwards. :)

My son's smoking a crapload of meat for a cancer benefit bike run that he's doing pulled pork for tomorrow, and I get to bake a bunch of cookies in the morning (oh joy) and run them up to where he is. Wish me luck not caving over that pulled pork! LOL... it won't happen.

To anyone reading this, have a good Saturday! :)

 Post subject: Re: Been a few years, back again!
PostPosted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 6:15 pm 

Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:13 am
Posts: 297
Wow, that is a lot of weight loss! Good job on staying the course. It has taken me 7 cleanses, now, to finally be able to deal with cooking food for others while on this thing.

Keep on keepin' on, and DO take the Salt Water Flush to get all the detoxifying benefits.

Keep posting, too. I might not be able to follow you all days, due to road trip, but I will try.

Bali Lemon

 Post subject: Re: Been a few years, back again!
PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 5:33 pm 

Joined: Thu Oct 29, 2009 2:43 am
Posts: 33
Quick update, didn't want to just disappear. :D

I made it four days, and the 3rd and 4th nights I could NOT sleep and was getting horrible, horrible leg cramps. Didn't last as long as I wanted, but did accomplish my main goal, which was to jump-start getting back to high-protein, low-carb, low-cal eating and get this weight back off. Of course the weight loss has slowed, but two weeks later I'm down 9 pounds, have had no overwhelming sugar cravings at all, and my only cave was a late-night bowl of Grape Nuts with dried I'm doing pretty good!

I still like the idea of doing a cleanse for detox purposes and WHEN I get the weight back off and stabilize, I plan to do it again for a good solid 10 days, then follow and anti-candida diet for a little bit. Thanks for the support and good luck to you all! I'll be back in the spring. :)

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