Day 2
Singing Beyonce's song Sorry, only I'm telling my fat...Boy bye, boy bye, I ain't thinking bout you
Boy was I hungry last night, I was watching a little TV and every commercial was about food, lol,

I turned the TV off grabbed a book and read for a while and then off to bed.
Woke up this morning feeling allot better and hopeful. I had really bad chills yesterday but today, I'm feeling less chilly and a little bit more balanced. Let's see what the day holds!!!!
OK........ I am taking my SWF now and shortly I will be preparing Lemonade because today is a work day for me and I have to be organized!!!!
I will not weigh in again until my 5th day. My exercise regiment has not started yet because i feel so weak the first few days and then I go i full throttle. I will be working out an hour 3 days a week in the gym and also walking 30 mins per day for 5 days out of the week giving myself the weekend to rest a little.
Will check in later to share how my day went. Just wanted to say it's okay to say your were hungry or feeling weak or you felt like quitting because it really feels like that sometimes but none of these things are really an option it's just how you were feeling at that moment, it's important for us to be totally honest about this cleanse because new people see our blogs and think its a cake walk.
When your body is going thru sugar withdrawals, food tantrums, cigarette withdrawals ( I used to smoke but quit after I started doing this cleanse almost 12 years ago) It's something else and if you don't have determination to fight for your life, you will be in constant battle with yourself because this fast is truly a life changer. I know because I used to be 485 lbs when I started cleansing and over time lost over 200+ lbs and have been fighting to get to 185 lbs. I didn't fast for a few years and last year was the first time I fasted in years. Now I'm back to reach my goal of 185 lbs....... I'm so determined and I decided no matter what I'm going to be happy doing because my blog allows me to say how I'm feeling with the ups and downs of this fast and I feel liberated when I could just say it!!!!
Until later everyone enjoy your day and drink up that lemonade!!!!!!!!! Lets get it!!!!!!!