Master Cleanse Forum - Master Cleanser Lemonade Diet |
Lime Potion Number 9 |
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Author: | Bali Lemon [ Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:28 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Lime Potion Number 9 |
EASE OFF Day 1 (Day 11 of the MC) Well! While cleaning the guest bedroom, I found the "smart" scale, so I weighed myself (albeit after drinking a morning lemonade): 54.2 kgs. That's more like it. There's no way that 11 days ago I weighed that much. I was probably actually more like 57.5 or 58 kilos after the big Italian food orgy. waist 26.75 Anyway, despite only 6 solid hours of sleep, I feel good today. Except for one "good-by, fast" lemonade for breakfast, I drank fresh squeezed oj, but always heavily diluted with water (usually juice of one orange, topped off with 10-12 oz of water. Dang, but that lemonade actually sent me to the toilet about an hour after finishing it, even though I'm all done with SWF's! Maybe it was a bad lime in there. I never like the OJ days because it's not enough nutrition and I get pretty weak. Made soup for broth, but it's hands-off until tomorrow night. 9.5 out of 10 (mood) posting throughout the day Waistline reduction ticker [/url] Bali Lemon |
Author: | Bali Lemon [ Wed Oct 17, 2018 6:18 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Lime Potion Number 9 |
Second Day of EASE-OFF Ah, the ease-off. Thinking of what lies ahead (solids) and managing to stay alive on OJ. Cooked my vegetables yesterday in anticipation of BROTH NIGHT! (tonight). 53.2 kgs on the "good" scale. Wow, that's a two pound drop yesterday. Well, I always lose weight on the ease-off. Waist at 27" (TickerFactory is not going to let me make a ticker that shows a backslide, so no ticker today). muffin 31" ...that doggie is GONE! hips 38" each thigh is 20.5" ...that is superb! One inch off of each. Feeling skinny, not to mention clean inside! Looking forward to a modified keto diet just because I only want to maintain, not lose any more. Cramming in a lot of doctor Eric Berg videos. This time, I want to eat less cheese. Drinking orange juice diluted with water throughout day. 24 oz of vegetable broth divided between 2 sittings, first at 4-something and then at 7:30. A very decent reference on how to ease off the master cleanse (an all-too-important phase of this program): ... nade-diet/ ...because I have rushed the ease-off once before, and it is extremely hard on your system to push your digestive tract and overall body in this way. Maybe the two days of OJ take the greatest will power, because once the SWF and lemonade is over, we experience a rush of "It's OH-ver!!!" ...but it isn't, not really. Put away the trumpet and the martini pitcher! B'Lemon |
Author: | Bali Lemon [ Fri Oct 19, 2018 12:26 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Lime Potion Number 9 |
Third day of ease-off. Not the greatest night's sleep. 6 hours, I guess. Had a little bit more of the broth in the morning. A heaping tablespoon of yogurt. Felt so weak, I cancelled an art gallery appointment to which I had been planning to drive myself. Actually ate a shredded cabbage, parsley, olive oil, and lemon juice salad at 12:30 and felt much better. My first solid food, and it tasted amazing. Loved just chewing it, which I felt it necessary to do for proper digestion. Also found some acidophilus capsules and took about four. Then at about 3:30, I had a whole coconut, drinking all the juice and then eating some of the meat, which was still in the soft stage. Well, of course the fructose jolt from that was fantastic. I felt great for hours afterward. It's interesting that my last hairdresser told me that scalp issues are related to gut issues. My scalp feels normal today. No buildup or itch. Wow. That's a real positive MC change (had some problems with my scalp starting about July). Good ease-off guidelines: ... nade-diet/ |
Author: | newbeginnings [ Sun Oct 28, 2018 11:28 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Lime Potion Number 9 |
Congratulations, Bali Lemon on completing your 10-day MC and ease out! Your post on the lack of people on this forum resonated with me (I posted on that as well) along with your thoughts on why that is. It's too bad -- I also see the MC as incredible medicine to heal your body and think it's a shame that many classify it as a fad diet. My experience with it demonstrates how good it is for your body, both in the short and long term. But it does take discipline and an understanding of how it works and what it's really for, and perhaps many people don't take the time to do that. Also, you mentioned your eclipse road trip last August -- I also did one to rural Oregon -- it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life! Cheers to your MC success -- and I'm sure I'm not alone in encouraging you to do a follow-up post on how things are going for you now! |
Author: | Fluffy35 [ Thu Nov 01, 2018 3:29 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Lime Potion Number 9 |
Hi there Bali Lemon, Im back for another blog myself..... Glad you completed your 10 MC cleanse........ This site is for those who are dedicated to a healthy life style. I love this site .......... I have been encouraged to tell my friends about it and two of my friends and I are starting on tomorrow , Nov. 2, 2018. I will be blogging and hopefully so will my friends. Keep the site alive!!!!!!!! |
Author: | Abbey Lee [ Wed Jan 02, 2019 12:50 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Lime Potion Number 9 |
Author: | Bali Lemon [ Wed May 22, 2019 10:02 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Lime Potion Number 9 |
So... what's happened since those October MC days? I stayed on Keto right up to Xmas, which of course brought me straight into the realm of chocolate, wine, and dad going into the hospital. To make matters worse, the doctor on duty got him onto a drug he did not need, and it was really messing with his condition, recovery agonizingly protracted. We managed to het him home, and finally his GP discovered that he was on this awful drug, took him right off it. The result was rapid recovery. But then my husband got a diagnosis of prostate cancer. I had to get him onto a therapeutic ketosis diet, which was even more meticulously measured than my usual keto intake. Lots of really expensive oils and lots of measuring, There are certain proteins he's completely unwilling to eat, and that made cooking for him rather difficult. For myself, for convenience, I fell back on too many nuts and too much cheese (aka keto laziness) while my meals were only green salads, sometimes "Greeked" and sometimes just mixed with kale and capsicum. It was an odd diet, because there I was living on tons of raw greens, but snacking on nuts and cheese up the wazoo. Then came my birthday and I threw a party. I did have a paleo buffet, but I also drank alcohol and so I was back on sugar and out of ketosis. For work, I had to stay a couple of weeks in another city for all these conventions. I think I lived on champagne and canapes for two weeks. Combined with bad city air, I came down with a cold that lasted 6 weeks. Tests at the clinic revealed no infection, no TB. My energy is back, but not my voice. It is the most awful thing. I'm loaded with mucous and I'be resolved to quit cheese. But I might even do a MC. The only problem is, I am back in my home country and I have to do all the cooking for my strictly keto husband while he's on his radiation treatment. It's kind of been a stressful time. I have no idea if the MC is even FEASIBLE at this time. Usually I have to kind of curtail my agenda because I don't have the focus and energy to do an MC with lots of demands on my time. But I'm also not working too efficiently withOUT being on the cleanse. Anyway, looks like I'm ripe for a system reset. B'Lemon |
Author: | Bali Lemon [ Thu Aug 01, 2019 1:43 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Lime Potion Number 9 |
Note: I didn't get to do another MC until July. This program requires good timing and planning. You have to make sure you've got your allies (and no jerks who are going to shove some fake-o negative magazine artilcle in your face, declaring the Master Cleanse the "worst diet ever"). So I had this time in July to do this, and I am on Day 10. Happy to have done the thing just now, and not in April or May when I was still committed to a lot of family stuff and unable to just focus on the Cleanse. My advice is pretty much unchanged, after doing ten of these: 1. Plan ahead, visualizing the MC lasting at least 10 days with the appropriate ease-off days (3 days is good for a ten day MC, more days will be needed for a Master Cleanse lasting more than 14 days. This helps you stay on, reinforces your purpose. 2. Tell your closest friends what you will be doing, and enlist their support. Stay away from the jerks who want to see you fail or who don't believe in your resolve and responsibility for your health. You may need to beg off some social habits for while you're on the MC, if everyone there is quaffing donuts or chips or having a potluck. It's a limited time to be away from eating, so most people will forgive you. 3. Remember that the MC is a process of ridding your GI tract of toxins. You will experience some degree of toxicity as the dormant toxins are back in play. This is a limited period of time, and you are in the process of flushing them out. Stay the course, and you will experience the rest and clarity that the MC is designed to end with. Feeling bad does not mean it's not working. It actually means it IS working. 4. No cheating. Those cravings are an expected symptom of the toxins cropping up after sitting in your gut. Know that, and you have won the battle. If you introduce to your gut during the MC some food or even just some caffeine or juice other than the standard lemonade, you are abusing your GI tract. It was just starting to spring clean, and you threw in some wet manure. Ouch! You can get very ill from a too-quick ease-off, as well. 5. HYDRATE! drink plenty of spring water straight, when you are not on the lemonade. Burroughs also allows for mint tea consumption. That's my bit. Good luck. You will so love the results, and you will be ready to eat healthy once again. |
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