Master Cleanse Forum - Master Cleanser Lemonade Diet

Day 10 of 14 day cleanse.. maybe
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Author:  nnbeans [ Mon Jul 01, 2019 8:36 am ]
Post subject:  Day 10 of 14 day cleanse.. maybe

I'm pretty sure no one goes on this forum anymore but just wanted to write this out for myself..

I'm on day 10 of a 14 day cleanse. Had a small BM this morning after taking smooth tea last night and drank a black coffee this morning. So I feel like I'm not done yet on the cleanse. Also I'm still thinking about food constantly and it's probably because I had such an unhealthy relationship with food last year that its taking longer to get rid of. We are in the process of moving this summer. Once we find a house I know I will be more busy and can shift my thoughts to something else. Being a stay at home mom has been hard for me. I was busy enough when they were smaller, catching up to them, now all my 3 year old wants is food and this and that all day. Talking nonstop, draining my energy haha. Once she is in preschool I may not have any problems with food anymore as I don't really have cravings when I'm by myself.

I still need to learn to stop eating when full. I don't need to eat the whole plate. Making less food so less waste. Even at restaurants I tend to eat the whole meal b/c I feel bad for wasting food. These are habits I know will take a long time to get through but I'm hoping that at a lower weight, I will focus on my wellbeing more after I dont need to focus on "losing" weight. Easy said than done. Being around family who question and watch you eat is super hard. "Thats all your eating?" " Are you still on a diet?" "You're eating alot" " Still eating your diet food?" I just want food to nourish my body while I do other things to strengthen it.

Anyway Good luck to those who are on the cleanse. If I go 30 days I will be at my "goal" weight. I would like to get to 120lbs as I am only 5'4". But last time I went 30 days I felt like my hair was thinning and my stomach took a long time to digest correctly. I think I should stop at 14 and restart after a week or 2 weeks of healthy eating... which is hard when your moving and traveling!

Author:  Peppermint [ Mon Jul 22, 2019 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Day 10 of 14 day cleanse.. maybe

Hi, how did you get on? Did you finish your 14 days?

Hope you’re doing well post cleanse.

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