If you're a woman who struggles like I did, I think you'll want to hear my story and what I discovered.
It took me over thirty years, losing and gaining nearly 9,000 pounds before I finally lost all the excess weight once and for all!
In 1999, I lost all 47 pounds (over 39% of my total body weight), going from 167 to 120 pounds, and from a size 16 to a size 6 where I am today.
I teach women the "Missing Links" I discoverd to PERMANENT WIEGHT LOSS, free from unhealthy dieting, pills, surgery, or gimmicks. I had to learn what works with your whole self to correct all the places you've been starving yourself nutritionally, emotionally and spiritually.
To see my whole story with more details of the "Missing Links", or to schedule a free, no-obligation Consultation go to:
To your Best Health and the Best You Ever,
Sheri Cooke
Women's Coach-Trainer & Spiritual Mentor
EFT-Adv Practitioner, Certified Metabolic Typing Advisor
Permanent Weight Loss & Radiant You
"Together We Find the Fulfillment of Life"