Master Cleanse Forum - Master Cleanser Lemonade Diet

question about laxative tea/ salt water flush
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Author:  joe77477 [ Sun Oct 25, 2015 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  question about laxative tea/ salt water flush

Hello all! It is currently the evening of day 7 on the master cleanse for me. I have been drinking the smooth move chamomile senna stimulant laxative tea each night and doing a salt water flush in the morning. I am having PLENTY of bowel movements. I recently read somewhere that senna apparently is rough on your digestive tract. Could it be that bad for me to use for just the duration of my 10 day cleanse? The tea causes me to wake up really early in the morning to go to the bathroom. I usually have 2 bowel movements that are actually kind of solid, brown, and cloudy. I then go back to sleep for a few hours, and when I wake back up, I do the salt water flush. The flush makes me go quite a lot over the next hour, but it is then just purely liquid, clear, yellow, and looks just like the lemonade I've been drinking. Does this sound normal to you guys? What does this mean? Am I doing everything right here? This is my first master cleanse and I'm doing it on my own and don't have anyone to talk to about it, so I'd really appreciate some input! Thanks!

Author:  jtw [ Mon Jan 30, 2017 4:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: question about laxative tea/ salt water flush

Sorry no one replied to you, but your question probably should have been in the general questions forum, but it's fine.

The tea makes the intestines move, the salt water flush is just that a flush, it goes through you carrying out whatever it catches on the way. They have different purposes so sometimes I mix them up, sometimes doing the tea in the morning and sometimes doing the SWF.

Senna is a bit rougher on your system yes, but as you are cleansing it shouldn't really hurt you.

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