I decided to start the cleanse a week ago, attempted 3 times during that week. Always broke when stressful situations were in the way. I started journaling it, my triggers and now have figured how to cope. I live in a toxic home, I cant control the people I live with, or the situations I have to deal with. And cannot use food as a coping mechanism. Over the past month I had gained 17 pounds, yes weight loss plays a big part, but its also cleansing negative emotions and toxins, mucus, and disgusting hardened fecal matter accumulated in my colon. And to completely detach myself from food. Beginning of this week I actually was planning on doing 25 days, but after reading 40 day success stories it has motivated me to do the whole 40. I have done 17, 10, and failed attempts of 5 about 4 times. Anyways why I decided 40 days other than reading success stories, last night, I was toward the end of day 1, fasted about 19 hours in. And was stressed over people and their actions, things I couldn't control. And because of this stress, I caved, told myself ill start tomorrow. But were going to face stress our whole lives, its dealing with it in a healthy way, and usually when I am on the MC and get through the first 3 days, Im good from there and can handle the stress without going to food. I just woke up, I had eaten mucus causing foods before bed, and now can feel all the mucus from my throat to my nose.
Good luck to all embarking on this journey!