130.8 lbs. Scale is set to kilos, so it tells me the meat (and flab) comes to 59.35 kilos, composed of a short stack of blueberry pancakes with syrup, an "Almond Joy" martini, several root beer floats, big fat Indian wedding feast and treats, lobster on white bread rolls, and other no-no's enjoyed in the past month that I've been visiting the States.
I woke up this morning and looked at a pair of favorite pants and I just knew I wasn't going to fit them. These are the things that motivate me. I am probably edging into size 10 territory, and most of my clothes are 6 or some loose 8's. I am not even in the realm of obese, but I do get a bit flabby from time to time, due to lapses into the Standard American Diet, and I find that the MC is just the easiest way to nip off a few pounds and feel better physically. I get into bad habits from time to time, and it doesn't take many lapses into refined sugars and starches to become dependent on them, craving them, even.
I would like to lose 5 or 6 kilos, in other words, 11 or 13 lbs, which would get me down to just a little under 120 lbs. I would settle for the usual Master Cleanse 10 lbs in 10 days plus ease-off, which seems to be my normal loss.
Since I am looking forward to the next 10 days with some concepts and goals, I will also put it out there that I want to just feel good again. My energy level is not bad, but I do feel way better when my body is not trying to manage a diet of starchy, sweet, processed foods. God knows what toxic effects are coming my way, but if it's like my other cleanses, this one will find me toughing it out on days 3 and 4, but feeling awfully good by day 8. I can deal with it, knowing what's ahead.
I am going to try to quit supplements, but I might take some Dr Berg Adrenal Night supplement if I'm not getting sleep after some days on the MC.
On day 8, I am going to be living in an RV, making my way out to the path of the Solar Eclipse in totality, 21 August. If all goes according to plan, I will be celebrating the loss of maybe about 5 or 6 lbs by then.
So Here I Begin! DAY 1 58 year old female, good health, 5'5.5" tall 59.35 kilos, 130.8 lbs bust 35.25" waist 30.2" hips 39.5" belly at fullest 35" left thigh 20.25" not to be obsessive or anything (I probably won't note all of those measurements every day), but it's good to have a lot of "before" evidence if I need a boost during the worst, dullest, most toxic days of the cleanse.
SWF somewhat productive. Nothing too urgent; just "went." Lemonade tally: 8 or 9 lost track. Smuggled the lemonade into the movies (Valerian, 3D, which was visually stunning and distracting in the most wonderful way) trying to keep up regular water intake so as not to upset my kidneys, as in earlier cleanses Feeling OK. Energy level good enough for a little weeding and cleaning the filter on the well. Husband complained that I smelled bad. Could have been the jacket I wore, straight from several months in the hall closet, but maybe it was some toxicity leeching out. Bali Lemon
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Last edited by Bali Lemon on Tue Aug 08, 2017 3:07 am, edited 2 times in total.