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 Post subject: Birdy's Winter Cleanse
PostPosted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 4:23 am 

Joined: Sat Apr 18, 2015 3:20 am
Posts: 108

Well, a week ago I ran my first MARATHON down in Memphis, Tennessee!! It was an amazing experience.

Now, you would think with all that running that you would lose a TON of weight; right? Nope. I gained 12 pounds, ha ha! I'm going to take a rest from all the running now because everything in my body hurts, and thought it would be a good time to start a cleanse. This will be my 4th or 5th cleanse. I usually do one per season, but since I've been training for 9 months, I haven't done one lately.

It's probably not the smartest idea to do this in the month of December, which I think is why there haven't been many posts on this site lately. I'm doing it anyway.

Just finished my salt-water flush, which is just as disgusting as I remember it. Yesterday I shopped for all the necessary supplies, and I'm ready to go... Let's DO THIS!!

Today's quote: "The six best doctors are sunshine, water, rest, air, exercise and diet."

Starting weight: 140.3
Today's weight: 140.3
Goal weight: 125
Pounds lost: 0

 Post subject: Re: Birdy's Winter Cleanse
PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 3:30 am 

Joined: Sat Apr 18, 2015 3:20 am
Posts: 108

1/2 pound down. What a nice little kick-start to the day!

I'm feeling pretty good. I had to wake up 2 hours earlier than normal this morning, because I have a dentist appt and need to let the SWF do it's thing before I leave for that. Since I work 2nd shift, that only gave me 5 hours of sleep. Oh, the things we Master Cleansers must endure for the cause, ha ha.

I feel the normal 2nd-day sluggishness, and I'm a bit foggy-headed. But I've had much worse 2nd-day experiences than this, so I'm grateful that I feel as good as I do so far.

Today's quote: "Actually, I can!"

SW: 140.3
CW: 139.7
GW: 125
Weight loss: 0.6 pounds

 Post subject: Re: Birdy's Winter Cleanse
PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 4:59 am 

Joined: Sat Apr 18, 2015 3:20 am
Posts: 108

Another pound down! I swear, my favorite part of the day when I'm on this cleanse is waking up and stepping on the scale. There's always rapid and immediate results! That happiness lasts approximately 5 minutes, and then you start the SWF, ha.

This is the typical lethargic day 3. I'm extremely tired, and I'm really cold. It started last night at work. I know it's only temporary, though, and when I snap out of this in a couple days, I'll feel clear-headed and strong.

I've been concerned about consuming no protein on this cleanse. Does anybody know if there's a protein pill you can take during this cleanse? Since I gained all that muscle training for the marathon, I would hate to lose it all during this cleanse!! I'm going to the drug store today to see if they can help me out. Surely there's a vitamin that has protein?? Maybe fish oil or something like that?

Nothing else to report today. Just gonna trudge through the "Day 3 Blues".

Today's quote: "Losing weight is hard. Being fat is hard. Pick your hard."

SW: 140.3
CW: 138.2
GW: 125
Weight Loss: 2.1 pounds!

 Post subject: Re: Birdy's Winter Cleanse
PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 6:05 am 

Joined: Sat Apr 18, 2015 3:20 am
Posts: 108

No weight loss today. Booooo! I always fight a "bloat" on days 4-5. It's like my body's holding onto water and it sometimes even gets uncomfortable. So, I'm not concerned about it. When my body figures out what it's supposed to do, I'll have a drop in weight again.

I feel OK. My energy level is better than yesterday, but definately not 100%. I just feel OK. And, of course, the bloat.

I asked the Pharmacist yesterday about the protein pill, and explained what I was doing. He thought I would be good for 10 days without it.

I can't tell you how good it feels NOT to run! I feel like I'm on vacation! I had no idea how time-consuming all that running was; I'm enjoying a life of laziness! Which is a great thing, because I don't have much energy on this Cleanse! I'm going with the laziness until the end of the cleanse, and then I'll pick up exercise again when I start the next phase of my diet. Which, I think, will be the Keto diet. So, on the Keto diet, you keep your carb intake at 20 grams/day. Which is practically nothing. Supposedly, your body uses fat for energy instead of carbs, hence, the weight-loss. I've done it before, with fairly good results. I'm pinning lots of Keto-friendly recipes on Pinterest this week so I'll be ready to go at the end of the cleanse. Which is next Wednesday!

Have a great day everybody!! Stay strong!!

Today's quote: "Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do."

SW: 140.3
CW: 138.2
GW: 125
Weight loss: 2.1 lbs.

 Post subject: Re: Birdy's Winter Cleanse
PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 5:09 am 

Joined: Sat Apr 18, 2015 3:20 am
Posts: 108

Halfway there!!

I'm another pound down this morning!!

I still feel very tired, and very cold. And fuzzy-headed. Still waiting for the mental clarity to evolve, which always really does happen on the cleanse. I just need a bit more patience.

I have my first real challenge on the cleanse. Tonight is my husband's Christmas party. I don't know how I'm going to fake eating a big meal. I really don't.

Just finished a 4 day stretch at the hospital. I have today off. Then tomorrow I start a yukky 6-day stretch, but at least the cleanse is really easy to do when I'm working.

I really don't have much to report today. This text cracks me up. It's all done in short, quick sentences, ha ha.

I hope you all have a successful cleansing day!!

Today's quote: "Wake up with determination. Go to bed with satisfaction."

SW: 140.3
CW: 137.2
GW: 125
Pounds lost: 3.1

 Post subject: Re: Birdy's Winter Cleanse
PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 9:37 am 

Joined: Tue May 17, 2016 4:49 pm
Posts: 279
Birdy! Well done you!

For sure it is rare to start a Master Cleanse in December, but some times a girl does what a girl has to do!

I can't believe you gained weight training for a marathon. I mean, I have heard from many runners that running really doesn't necessarily produce thin bodies, but I find it so hard to believe, ya know? I am sure it does feel like a vacation not to be running constantly. Still Many congrats on a marathon well run. I am sure the MC an sort you right out. It always always always works. One of the rare things on this big flat Earth Rock (lol!) that we can say that about.

As to pretending to eat, I've done it a lot. You push the food around, I swear no one is really keeping track. If you don't draw attention to yourself by saying you are fasting like Beyoncé, you will probably be just fine. Just go to get other people stuff in the kitchen, take your plate, ditch the food. Forget to eat. You can always tell people you are coming off havig a stomach upset if they get nosy, People can be nosy.


You have my support! Agree that it is easier to MC at work than off it!

Many happy results for you! You're a Brave Chicaboom and the Universe always rewards boldness!

 Post subject: Re: Birdy's Winter Cleanse
PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 6:07 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 18, 2015 3:20 am
Posts: 108
Abbie Lee... you're the BEST!!

Thank you!!

Love, Birdy

 Post subject: Re: Birdy's Winter Cleanse
PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 6:42 am 

Joined: Sat Apr 18, 2015 3:20 am
Posts: 108

Today will be my last day on the Master Cleanse. I'm side-stepping over to the Keto Diet. Didn't quite make it the entire 10 days, but will do another cleanse in the Spring, I'm sure. And I have a good, solid plan to switch over to. I may post an update from time to time with Keto progress.

Good luck everyone!!!!

SW: 140.3
CW: 136.0
GW: 125
Total weight loss: 4.3 pounds

 Post subject: Re: Birdy's Winter Cleanse
PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 5:16 am 

Joined: Tue May 17, 2016 4:49 pm
Posts: 279
You did great Birdy! 4 plus pounds is going to make a difference for sure! You will feel that weight off your back when you run for sure! Plus doing a MC at this time? So brave! Well done!

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