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Master Cleanse Forum - Master Cleanser Lemonade Diet • View topic - 10 years on, master cleanse again

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 Post subject: 10 years on, master cleanse again
PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 1:33 am 

Joined: Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:26 pm
Posts: 57
humbly i return to the master cleanse

So i've had success with the master cleanse, once a full 10 days and a second time partial but it did the job

now i'm back, 10 years on from my first attempt, humbly after trying all the other fad diets, to try again

so what has happened?

since about 2015 i've progressively gained 20lbs. i've tried all the latest trends: keto, vegan, veggie, gluten free, snake juice, water fasting, IF etc

i'm exhausted and i want to stick with what i know has been the most successful for me

this is the first post in this journal and i will be posting more and more of my thoughts esp on how the master cleanse compares to the other diets..

first things first - what challenges i'll face this time:
i had emotional support from my mother last time cause i lived with her. this time i'm alone though i can message my mum. mum last time (bless her) tapped the fridge shut during the first few days and prepared the drink for me. her support was how i got through it
this time i gotta be an adult and self parent and do it myself.
i will miss the emotional support and comfort.

i'm looking to lost 20 lbs, i will be trying to make it a lb a day, with some extra lifting when i feel strong enough or cardio on the spin bike or steady state walking

i'm tired of being stuck at 143lbs. i'm so tired. i've tried to get below it since the beginning of the year and i'm not walking into my next birthday this size. no.

as of today - i have the laxative tea, cayenne pepper, will be getting lemons later today, and have amazon posting the maple syrup to me which should arrive tomorrow by 8pm.

it will be a soft start for the rest of this week since i have a handfasting and a night out on saturday. proper start sunday/monday.

 Post subject: Re: 10 years on, master cleanse again
PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 3:33 am 

Joined: Sat Apr 18, 2015 3:20 am
Posts: 108
A fellow cleanser!! Hooray!!

Just take one day at a time. Use your determination!! Good luck to you, Silvid!! Keep posting!


 Post subject: Re: 10 years on, master cleanse again
PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 1:59 pm 

Joined: Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:26 pm
Posts: 57

 Post subject: Re: 10 years on, master cleanse again
PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 2:24 pm 

Joined: Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:26 pm
Posts: 57
So the whole kitchen is empty save for herbal teas and my antihistamines. Just waiting on the maple syrup now

I noticed a lot of posts on how this forum has quiet down and looking at some of the latests posts I see how the latest ketosis info has been added by many to the master cleanse program.

I don't know how I feel about the whole Keto thing. When I was Keto i loved it diet wise! Food was delicious!! but it gave me gallbladder and kidney pains in the middle of the night that woke me up squirming and near tears praying to god for it to stop... Went online for support and got replies that i should (and i'm quoting 99% verbatim) 'just go to your doctors and ask to get your gallbladder surgically removed! then you can keto no problem'... I can remember it so well because I was so stunned. I'm not an extreme person so this really floored me. I thought that person was absolutely insane and then later when it got about 150+ upvotes, sat there thinking...'I don't think this is a movement I want to be a part of'

I say all that to say this - I've spent the last few years trying all the different diets, with the calorie counting, macro counting and the keto sticks, and is this vegan? and the calculating how much salt to potassium to magnesium to put in the water and how many hours left till fast breaks and how many hours till ketosis... I am exhausted.

On this journal there will be no measurements other than my weight and maybe MAYBE body fat percentage at the beginning and end.

For me - I don't think this micromanaging of what I put in my body is healthy for me. I have IBS already and allergies to multiple things, doc already said i should go gluten free on top of it all and that's enough! For me that's enough. I just want to eat what I can eat, stop craving what I can't eat (ie. junk) and move on with my life.

I've missed the giant 2L bottle of the day's juice sat in the fridge, made the night before. I lugged it around in my backpack and chugged it whenever I wanted. I didn't think about ketosis, carbs, fasting, the contents of my shit, how much electrolytes or any of that. just 12 tbsp lemon juice, 12 tbsp maple syrup, 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper, 2 L water. shake and go.

Kept busy and kept it moving.

Am I the only one floating about thinking about the diet and fitness industry and thinking.. guys maybe we should back off the micromanaging? remember the ol' cabbage or leek soup diet? the grapefruit diet? like how simple that was compared to the diets today? and now everyones an expert and with so many different methods there's always going to be someone who can shut down your method before you even get on it. people are getting real personal and touchy about this stuff!

I feel like maybe as a society these diets are not just diets anymore. It use to be, lose the weight and move on with your life. Now i dunno I feel like it's getting perceived like a personality trait (ie. vegan bashing) or an accessory rather than a strategy to get to a healthy weight. ("jeez jim have you heard about my new diet? inserts how trendy novel and complex/high tech the diet is as if it's a new watch")

 Post subject: Re: 10 years on, master cleanse again
PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 3:19 pm 

Joined: Tue May 17, 2016 4:49 pm
Posts: 279
Awww! Fell in love with you reading this.

And I agree with my whole heart. It is out of control.

The great thing about MC, is that it 100% works. Works fast also.

The good, the bad, the ugly.

It is the end of Day 7 for me.

You can do it!

 Post subject: Re: 10 years on, master cleanse again
PostPosted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 5:42 am 

Joined: Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:26 pm
Posts: 57

 Post subject: Re: 10 years on, master cleanse again
PostPosted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 5:52 am 

Joined: Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:26 pm
Posts: 57
Day 0.5 - The Soft Start

Found an interesting article:
https://helix.northwestern.edu/blog/201 ... -capsaicin

I had to google cause I had my first 2 glasses of the lemonade today, made nearly hot because I was really craving a warm meal, so I guess a warm/hot lemonade. I feel my brain kinda tingling again in that familiar tingle and I wanted to know what caused it - I guess endorphins + dopamine is the answer according to the article

I had my breakfast and early lunch which all together, lets roll the number up, about 700 cal. I don't want to eat anymore and just start now so I'll keep making glasses of lemonade and have my laxative tea tonight

Tomorrow morning before/or after(???) the SWF I'll weigh myself and we'll go from there on the measurements front.

It tastes better than I expected it to!

I also realised I need to hide the maple syrup and keep it out of sign because I'm tempted to grab tbsps of it through the day...I'm also going to make the drink slightly sweeter and so then i'll decrease over the next few days to wean off sugar as well. So 2 tbsp + a few more drops.. like I have a pipette :P I just need to taste syrup more than lemonade basically.

Kinda looking forward to my laxative tea though, I didn't have time for smooth move and I'm in the UK and so the price is... yeah I'm not paying £7 for tea bags. So I went to my local Holland and Barretts and grabbed the Laxatee Senna and Fennel and I'll pop a peppermint pill as well cause I know that cayenne is ... spicy on the way out... but these Colpermin peppermint oil capsules make things minty on the way out.. My hope is that peppermint will cancel the cayenne on the way out or overpower it for my comfort.

I'll also be putting my Laxatee and my ginger tea bag in the same cup, apparently what prevents the cramps in the smooth move is the ginger and licorice root. I don't have licorice root but I have ginger

Oh yeah.. My Last Meal: two Portuguese Natas and a Danish Cinnamon Whirl. They were worth it

 Post subject: Re: 10 years on, master cleanse again
PostPosted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 12:31 am 

Joined: Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:26 pm
Posts: 57
So I drank the laxatee last night, a teabag in a pint of water and today I had a lot of movement even before SWF

now i've made the SWF and I'm typing this as i'm lying on my right side

here we go!

when i'm empty ill weigh myself

----------update later:
waiting the SWF to leave me
there's such an itch to eat. like this constant niggle in my head to go get some food and something yummy to nourish myself with. i find it hard to shake this especially because i know that tonight is the wedding and tomorrow night i'll be going out for drinks so it's frustrating. like why starve during the day when binging at night? urgh

----------update later:
SWF is a mistake. It's not come out of me. i haven't eaten. It's about 150-200 mls that came out of me but the majority is still in my body and i'm super bloated now. I'm just gonna stick to my tea with alot of water cause that really worked today.

i've been using the same recipe for years - 2 level tsp noniodized salt in 1 quart of warm water with a dash of lemon. so i know its not that.

i'm just super uncomfortable right now and regretting this whole thing and my lack of discipline to do this better and just .. urgh. i hate feeling like this.

 Post subject: Re: 10 years on, master cleanse again
PostPosted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 3:32 am 

Joined: Sat Apr 18, 2015 3:20 am
Posts: 108
Yes, it is very hard, but hard is not impossible!! You can do it!! You're about half-way through, and the 2nd half is WAAAYYYYYY better than the first half. Hang in there!


 Post subject: Re: 10 years on, master cleanse again
PostPosted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 2:32 am 

Joined: Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:26 pm
Posts: 57
today is the official day one

it's not too bad yet. we'll see. i'm weary of getting too excited or hyped.

i'm just gonna stick to my stuff and go from there

im however thinking of implementing leek soup (from that french women don't get fat) cause drinking the sugar in the master cleanse at night keeps me from sleeping and some savoury leek water maybe better for night time?

who knows

 Post subject: Re: 10 years on, master cleanse again
PostPosted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 5:01 pm 

Joined: Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:26 pm
Posts: 57
insomnia is urgh
headaches is urgh

the detox has started it seems

 Post subject: Re: 10 years on, master cleanse again
PostPosted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 11:43 pm 

Joined: Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:26 pm
Posts: 57
Day 2

Yesterday afternoon - 145.7
CW this morning: 142.8
down 2.9lbs/1kg

I woke up feeling lethargic and exhausted and craving danish pastries for my breakast
i've been feeling kinda depressed and lacking motivation. like cancelling all my appointments and even important stuff. no energy to study. not really enjoying this

i'll probably take a tbsp or two of maple syrup straight with multivitamins

the laxative tea sure worked on me, i woke up at like 3am and 5 am, just not good sleep just to empty out. the cramps were rough. i don't think i'll do laxatives every day or SWF everyday, it's just really rough on my body and horrible. probably every 2nd day.

hope you're all doing welll

at night -
napped basically though the afternoon and was unable to do anything

still got the dull headache that's pounding
in a bad mood
it feels like no matter how much i drink i remain dehydrated and thirsty and unsatisfied

this is no joke

 Post subject: Re: 10 years on, master cleanse again
PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 7:51 pm 

Joined: Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:26 pm
Posts: 57
Day 3 log

Woke up with a stuffed up nose, been blowing it and sneezing like a mofo since. I've given up and took some antihistamines, hopefully that helps

Since i started the cleanse I've been spotting as well. Purple-y blood
I don't have a headache this morning which is nice

Not weighing myself today because that shit can be depressing buty stomach is less bloated and you can start seeing my serratus anterior muscles, hip bones are starting to make themselves visible and it's just less like a solid wall of flat

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